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Stuck to me like glue (2)

1 Name: Jepply : 2017-10-26 12:49 ID:nBvGfB/A [Del]

I am here to rant about my clingy, annoying roommate. So, early September, we moved into our dorms. Both of us are actually pretty good friends and we go way back, so I was excited to live with her. I am a second year and she is a first year--in university.

Since she's new to the place and just learning to get around, I thought, hey why not be supportive and show her around? First few days are fine. I show her where her classes are, where the library is, etc. I expected her to start doing her own thing from there.

But it turns out to be the opposite. Now its late october and I can't get away from her. She hangs around me every day, we live in the same dorm so I don't get privacy, she ALWAYS wants to know what I'm up to or what I plan on doing later. And I try to give her hints that I want to be alone, but she ignores them. I could even tell her straight to her face that I want to be alone and she'll just shrug it off like its nothing.

And not to mention the fact that she always tries to 1-UP me in any way she can, about ridiculous things too. I wish I could move out of that place, but my uni wouldn't allow it. I am so annoyed that I can't get away from her. -_- I just want to spend at least a DAY without hearing her voice or seeing her face...

2 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-10-27 02:02 ID:k9GQa8Ye [Del]

Its either you plan secretly to get away from her without hurting her feelings or straight up confronts her about the issue. Be sensible when doing so and I'm sure she will get it and stop being so clingy.

If youre worried about her, recommend her some of your other friends? Encourage her to make new friends. Let her be sociable and be dragged out of you. This is to avoid her to be lonely and depressed.

Good luck.