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My friend has depression and feels unimportant (2)

1 Name: Kanya-Chan : 2017-10-22 12:08 ID:naqtIR+x [Del]

Hey guys..I have a group of friends in my school including 4 people there is those 2 of our friends who are always together like a couple but not officialy and then me and that other girl...She told me that see feels left out because the other two dont give much attention to her almost none actually and she usually runs away from the group in the ideology that someone from them is gonna run after her to bring her back which always ends up to be me she said that she is glad that i at least care about her but she says that is not enough and wants the other two to act as part of the group and not as seperates that for some reason caused her depression and she always says that she is unimportant but i cant do anything in the mean time to help the situation.
So what do you guys advice me to do to help her get out of this situation?
Thanks for your time

2 Name: Slarki : 2017-10-22 16:15 ID:wh7/8EnK [Del]

Hey there.

I don't know how close you are to her, but I suggest trying to talk to her seriously. Not during lunch time or similar, but a proper talk. Ask her why she behaves this way (probably because she is feeling lonely and seeks affection). Teenagers are difficult with their emotions.
She needs to become more confident. There is always a place somewhere to belong and you can be happy without having anything. There is nothing to lose in life. Being overly anxious and afraid of being alone will only make it worse. So perhaps tell her not to worry and, if you're up for it, offer your companionship.
If she won't open up to you, then there isn't much you can do, but stand on the sidelines and wait for the drama to start. So that you can try and catch her when she needs it.

Hope this helped and good luck.