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Going in the Army! (3)

1 Name: Dex : 2017-10-21 18:35 ID:Cre2JxWd [Del]

So, I'm a bit nervous about this. It is something I have always wanted to do, yet I'm so nervous. I keep thinking about my grandma and her serious M.S. and how my grandpa is taking care of her by himself, with the occasional nurse that comes by. I am also thinking about my friends, and seeing how they kept worrying about me when i told them i am going on halloween. Yeah, Halloween. And that I'm going to be a 19D (Cavalry Scout, for those in need of knowing what it is). Like I said, it is something I have always wanted to do, but I cant help but wonder what would happen to everyone if I didnt make it back home. Im imagining how my mom would feel, grandparents, friends, dad, and I hate to see people i know sad, or crying. Especially if there is nothing i can do about it. Sometimes i have dreams where its just my face, and the background looks like an explosion, but then i start melting. There are some other weird dreams too. But, I think my mind is going through the what if scenarios and picking the worst. However, I feel that it something I still want to do, but also something I feel that I must do. It might not be bad, but also i keep thinking with everything that is going on now, something may go down.
I just Don't want people to be worry about me. Because it makes me think those what ifs. Ya know?
Anyways, I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks.

2 Name: Tenshi : 2017-10-22 00:47 ID:FywtcRxF [Del]

It's important to know that your family loves you and that they will, though maybe reluctantly, still back your decision, especially if you're this determined about it. Good luck ~ ~

3 Name: Dex : 2017-10-22 11:43 ID:Cre2JxWd [Del]

Yeah, it helps knowing they have my back with my decision. But i cant help but to keep worrying about them. Thanks for the response!