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Here i go again... (12)

1 Name: gweline : 2017-10-20 20:50 ID:vt2BEhNN [Del]

Hi again i made a post awhile back named 'clingy boyfriend' around 4 months ago...So since then i did break up with him and it was alright after that. Neither of us spoke to each other much after that.
But earlier today i was hanging out in my teachers room during prep rally (i don't like going its to loud for me and some of my friends were skipping out as well) Anyway i was there gaming on one of the pcs and all of sudden my ex came out of no where (ill call him MT in this and keep in mind that he graduated last year and no in uni) and MT started touching me and trying to get reactions out of me...even trying to do stuff to me..he kept forcing me to sit on his lap and he always kept my wrists together so i couldn't do anything...he's taller and stronger then me. He kept trying to kiss me or leave marks on my neck...i kept telling him to stop and even started hitting and kicking but he still wouldn't leave me alone.
I tried to get to my friend or the teacher but i couldn't even move 2 ft from MT before he kept restraining me...
It was only when the bell rung that i was able to go...i feel so dirty and icky and just...why the fuck did i ever go out with him...I'm afraid that he will start back mailing me or coming around more often...

2 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-10-20 21:36 ID:83dIPXgP [Del]

Tell the police if he tries it again. What he did could count as sexual assault.

3 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-10-21 03:28 ID:8kCM04do [Del]

>>1 I agree with >>2, so do that. I honestly dont know what esle to suggest. I mean, you cant always avoid him and he might be crazy. You shouldnt take it in your own hands. It will be dangerous for you or even people around you. So yes, police or any kind of authority.

4 Name: Dex : 2017-10-21 18:17 ID:Cre2JxWd [Del]

Police. I would handle it myself if i got the chance, but i dont know who is who. So your best bet, is police. I hate people who are like that. Pisses me off when i hear this shit happening. Yet i cant do anything about it... legally.

5 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-10-21 19:18 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

This happened at school. You can start by telling a principal, counselor, or teacher.

6 Name: Amore!d22ZpIHHos : 2017-10-22 17:55 ID:oCObb3Rx [Del]

If you wanna hit up for the track, I'm always here for personal help 😇

-Amore of the Dollars

7 Name: Pancake : 2017-10-23 11:05 ID:1sG6EaVC [Del]

I wish we could be more than friends

Sorry had to post this, anyone else know this song?

8 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-10-24 05:35 ID:x0sbDUbV [Del]

Here I go again on my own...

Sorry to post this, anyone else know this song?

9 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-10-24 06:07 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>7 >>8
Quit playin' games...

10 Name: G.P. !K6N517zljo : 2017-10-24 06:19 ID:x0sbDUbV [Del]


Is it too late now to say sorry? O.O

11 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-10-24 06:24 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

It's too late to apologise, it's too late! >:(

12 Name: Demi : 2017-10-24 07:30 ID:6GfBn3D8 [Del]

Sorry not sorry