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The psychology of a troll (15)

1 Name: Kanako : 2017-10-16 03:21 ID:LLeiK3tM [Del]

Maybe this has been asked somewhere before, but I couldn't find anything about this topic, so I'm going to ask again:
What do you think is the main motivation or the drive of a troll? Boredom? A sadistic attitude? Mental issues? ...?

I want to collect opinions, feel free to discuss, but please be nice to each other and don't insult others in my thread. Thank you!

2 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-10-16 03:44 ID:z7rDKYr9 [Del]

Main motivation would be fun, pleasure, laughter and everything that falls under the same umbrella. Depending on individual, some of them might be just bored and have free time to kill. Some genuinely have problems of their own. Whether it is stress or mental issues, they feel the need to spread negativity or use trolling to lessen their pressure. Lots of reasons can lead to trolling.

Best advice is to ignore them completely.

3 Name: Kanako : 2017-10-16 03:49 ID:LLeiK3tM [Del]

>>2 Thank you for your fast reply. And most of all thank you for your advice. It is hard to deal with trolls for some people and since we have lots of trolls atm your advice could be really helpful for us.

4 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-10-16 03:58 ID:z7rDKYr9 [Del]

>>3 Welcome. I hope those trolls get banned. But nonetheless, for now, all of you should have dicussions that you all like. Ignoring them will allow you people to continue having discussions, so honestly its no big deal.

5 Name: Lyrca : 2017-10-16 05:10 ID:LmtC8anJ [Del]

Trolls are pityful. Imagine them with no offline life, no one pays attention to them, they are literally no one when they shut down their computer. They can be nerds or wallflowers nobody recognizes and trolling is the only way for them to become someone significant. It is the only moment when they feel superior to someone. This is why they troll. It is pityful to live a life that low that you need to make others feel worse to feel better.

6 Name: Sachiko : 2017-10-16 07:42 ID:JRaXFa1m [Del]

Boredom and a sadistic attributed. But ppl always think im a troll even though im not. Dont assume ppl r trolls just cuz. (I'm looking at u kanra-san)

7 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-10-16 08:17 ID:/zPMSd7m [Del]

>>1 I dont know how it is for all trolls but for me a its a mix of being bored, enjoyment and challenge
When I try I dont be cancerous or spam I usually try to debate or bring up grey areas in rules. I feel that if that if Its accepted that they need to fix how its set up I will often let go or stop trolling
That is mainly the challenge part

8 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-10-16 11:22 ID:kzH2XXKO [Del]

I'm truly surprised at this thread. Trolls are bored and looking for something fun to do. It's similar to pranks. The only difference is there is more disconnect online and they can bring up any controversial issue. If they did/said the same stuff face to face with others they would probably get their ass beat lol.

9 Name: Blaise : 2017-10-16 15:48 ID:dh4J0EbI [Del]

dealing with trolls is easy, sunlight is they weakness

10 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-10-16 20:18 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>7 How would you define "cancerous", Jaydon?

>>8 I'm agreeing on the "get their ass beat" part lol

>>9 Blaise, long time no see. Drunk again?

11 Name: Neko !yCAT0zCBw. : 2017-10-16 20:25 ID:pIhGl/TL [Del]

Get their ass beat?
With dildos?
I'll go prepare my camera.

12 Name: WOLF !Lbi0lM0a8k : 2017-10-17 20:21 ID:cR6GOK9U [Del]

Entertainment, or just to pass extra time that they have. I have been considered a troll and an asshole many a times, but I'm not, I just speak my mind and often get accused of being a troll and such, but my words are often mistranslated or misinterpreted. More often than not others misread or look to into what I say. But to each their own. If someone wants to view me as an asshole because they do not understand what I said then so be it, I'm not going to take extra time to break it down in baby words for another. Maybe me saying that seems assholish,but for me it's just a matter of not wanting to say things less than how I think and because I have not enough time to explain so I much rather leave things as I said for others to interpret.

13 Name: SMILE :-D : 2017-10-18 02:51 ID:E8jmxekc [Del]

They are assholes and enjoy being assholes. Is this normal? Not really, right?

14 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2017-10-18 04:15 ID:NTQBgUeu [Del]

>>13 It depends on your definition of an asshole. In my experience it's normal, they come in all forms. Not much you can do about it.

I think the basics of the mind of a troll has been covered.

15 Name: phne~ : 2017-10-19 02:18 ID:TbtJVFZ5 [Del]

a possible reason could be that people are generally crapbags, no one is inherently good, so its in our human nature to want to troll/put down others, think about it that's why its hard to be/stay a good person and its easier/pepl are more likely to to do the wrong stuff~