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He doesn't exist. (7)

1 Name: Mi : 2017-10-15 07:06 ID:4yxVqoy/ [Del]

So I've been lurking on the Dollars ever since the first season of DRRR aired now.
I thought that it's time to post something.

I once saw what I can only describe as an extremely vivid vision of a boy. It's stange, how real he felt and I went through so many different surges of emotion. Starting with nostalgia, then happiness, love (platonic or not) and then extreme loss.
He was perfect, I've always wanted to meet him, so for the past year or more now, I've been trying to find him- thinking about how if one day we could just meet, what I'd say, how I'd manage to be his friend...

I know he's not real. I don't want to admit it at all, it hurts to admit it. I know it's something my brain would've made up one night, but I'm still hoping.
It's stupid I know.

I decided that I'll make a WebToon about him someday. When it's finished, I can finally let go I guess.

2 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-10-15 10:15 ID:jguz7QtJ [Del]

>>1 Imaginary friend huh? I guess its a sign from your subconsious mind that you adore someone like him. So meeting "him" isnt impossible. Just don't get carried away. Nonetheless, good luck finding "him" in the real world and be happy.

And yes I would like to see it in a Webtoon. I do read them, so update me here ok? And if it help you in any way, thats even better.

3 Name: Mi : 2017-10-15 11:22 ID:4yxVqoy/ [Del]

Thanks Rin! It feels good to hear you say that.

If I were to update on the WebToon, I'd probably do it in Art! It's cool to hear that you're interested in it.

4 Name: Suki : 2017-10-15 11:44 ID:XfpT3FrW [Del]

I may not be the best at giving advice, and my advice probably sounds cliche, but here it is. That boy you speak of may or may not be real. But you should never give up hope. Life has its own ways of telling you about what is going to happen. You may have know this guy in a past life, anything.
(Also, love webtoon. Let me know when it goes up!

5 Name: Sachiko : 2017-10-15 11:47 ID:JVzqOQbh [Del]

I dont think its an imaginary friend. Iv'e seen ppl like that too but I've never had a connection with them like that. I've heard, and this is just a theory, that sometimes ppl see things or other ppl from their past lives. Maybe that boy was ur lover or brother or friend in a past life. Idk.

6 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-10-15 12:07 ID:jguz7QtJ [Del]

>>3 Welcome. Alright looking foward to it.

7 Name: Aster : 2017-10-16 18:34 ID:kXAelgHn [Del]

I have a huge crush on someone but I don't know what to do.

I've liked him for a really long time, since freshman year in fact. He's been in a commited relationship for a year now, since I was too shy to act on it early on. The terrible thing is that he's in a relationship with one of my friends.

They're on a break right now. They fight a lot, but on the outside, they generally seem like the perfect couple. I know even if they break up, I'd probably hurt her feelings if she knew I was pining for him.

It hurts so much. It's like one of those cheesey 'id be better for him' and I feel so juvenile. He makes me want to do crazy things. He's perfect for me, just my type.

I've grown out of being shy, I'm actually a pretty confident person. When I talk to him, I'm bold and honest and he's complimented my confidence in myself before. He's a good friend, but that's all we are, and it's hard for me.

It's not even about looks anymore, it used to be. He's really cute, yeah, but after getting to know him, he's so quirky and funny and our senses of humor align so well. We match each other so well. We both want to go into law enforcement, I'm the captain of the track team, he's my Co captain, we're the same age and grade, he only lives 5 minutes away from me. We're both confrontational people who like talking things out. We're both inquisitive and are interested in the same sort of things. We're both kind of aloof, and we prefer only having one or two good friends rather than a big group.

It just hurts so badly to think about him. I want to know if he feels the same, but even if he did, it wouldn't be right to date him. I just feel so stuck.