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Advice? (8)

1 Name: Mari : 2017-10-12 03:28 ID:wdEY9AOg [Del]

So, I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder (After doing some crazy stuff like attempting suicide and running away). When my mom found out I was sick, she sent me away to live with a relative in another state. She said it was too much for her to handle. When I got here I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone, my internet was restricted, and my phone taken away. That lasted for about 4 months. By the time I could communicate with others again none of the people I knew where I used to live wanted anything to do with me. (Come to find out my mom posted a whole ordeal on facebook about me having a "psychotic break"). Now I'm in a new state, and I'm all alone. I do online school, so I never meet new people. I don't have a single friend, not even an acquaintance. It feels like my whole life has been taken away from me because of this. I don't hate my mom or anything (after all, I was acting crazy), but I also don't feel like I can forgive her for kicking me out instead of helping me get treatment. My mom is also bipolar so I know she understands what it's like to live with a mental illness. I'll be seeing her for the first time in a year next week, but I don't know what to say to her. I want her to understand that I know it's my fault, but it's her fault too. Any thoughts?

2 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-10-12 10:06 ID:znAhEQgk [Del]

I might not understand the term bipolar disorder but do what you can to avoid being "crazy". Sorry to hear that you got
kicked out and stuff but hang in there. I hope you can get back on track soon enough.

As for your mom, good to know you both can relate to the same mental illness, sorry if that sounds offensive. But atleast you both can start somewhere. For now, try to say its your fault, along with the facts of your disorder. Do what you can to not hurt her feelings etc. So start small and easy. Talk to her nicely. Keep your cool and good luck.

3 Name: Mi : 2017-10-12 13:15 ID:4yxVqoy/ [Del]

I'm also bipolar and I believe that your mother was very selfish. I come from a family of mental illness who aren't very nice to me either, but I know well enough to not blame myself for the cruelty they've forced on me.
I don't know your situation, but to me, if you've been isolated for months then you're definitely more likely to believe what others tell you even if it's not the truth at all. Choose what you want to believe based on what you've gone through, but just know that not everything is your fault.

4 Name: Sachiko : 2017-10-12 15:30 ID:JVzqOQbh [Del]

A lot of my relatives r bipolar so i kinda get it but not totally. Anyway maybe ur mom isn't stable with the facts. Maybe she is desperate to believe that her life is perfect. Or maybe she just wants ppl to pity her. idk. But dont take it to hard on urself mkay. I once attempted suicide too because of some .cough. domestic abuse issues, but i was able to recover from it because of ppl's support. And i know that ur kinda isolated right now but u still got the dollars!

5 Name: Cantate Song : 2017-10-12 15:33 ID:LALWZyUr [Del]

Yeah... That was not very cool on your mothers part for posting that on Facebook. None of this is your fault. I know how hard it is to try to cope with a disorder. I have ADD so I get pretty spacey and can't focus for the life of me and it really sucked whenever people would patronize me because of my lack of concentration. I never asked for an under active frontal lobe (A part of the brain that affects concentration) and you never asked for a brain with a dysfunctional limbic system and enlarged ventricles (places in the brain that control emotions). It is something we were born with is out of our control. It is like someone saying, "Why aren't you White? Just be White. Can't you just change color? Why aren't you changing color? It shouldn't be that hard! Jeez, it's your fault that you're Black ya know!" Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

6 Name: Pyro : 2017-10-12 17:32 ID:dewTjxKi [Del]

I have ADD, anxiety, depression, the list goes on. It's not your fault. ADD/ADHD is usually genetic, much like bipolar. You're just different. It's hard, but you have to learn that it's a part of you. It's who you are. I will always be scatterbrained and leave things half finished. I'll always get distracted during a conversation and answer a question with something totally bizarre and unrelated. My mom and I have never gotten along well, so I can't help with that part. Just know that there's nothing wrong with you. It's extremely difficult, believe me, but you can learn to manage some symptoms and accept that you'll never fit in to society's definition of "normal" but the rest of us out here that struggle with mental health love you more than anyone could. We gotta stick together and keep each other up. Try to focus on the symptoms that benefit you. For example, my brain seems to run about 50x faster than everyone else. I can go through 10 possible solutions to a problem and predict each outcome by the time everyone else has tried the first one. It's really easy to focus on your faults, but find the things you can do because of bipolar that "normal" people can't. Once you start believing, not just thinking "I'm ok the way I am. I can do things other people can't" it really helps.

7 Name: Mari : 2017-10-13 00:55 ID:wdEY9AOg [Del]

Thank you guys so much. This is the first time in a long time I've felt supported. I'm so glad I joined the dollars.

8 Name: Cantate Song : 2017-10-13 17:38 ID:0L6Lh4L/ [Del]

Don't worry! It's easier for people with some sort of disorder to relate to things like this. What my parents did to prevent me from feeling different when I was diagnosed was that they would tell me about good, famous people that I looked up to who had the same thing as me and showed me what they were able to accomplish! i.e. John Lennon, Walt Disney, etc. Also, we looked up books on exactly what ADD was and how it worked! Even if you have a tough family situation, you can still research these things, and that my friend, is probably the key to put you at ease.