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I'm a Sociopath (3)

1 Name: Karma : 2017-10-11 22:04 ID:S6vmf04u [Del]

So, as you can probably tell from the title, I'm a sociopath. Don't worry I'm not like gonna go stab some people, or commit a mass murder or anything(a common misconception about sociopaths), that's not what this is about. If you don't know what a sociopath is, it's someone who has the inability to feel emotion. I know, it sounds edgy to the point you're going to die from cringing, but it's a legitimate mental disorder. While being a sociopath has some perks, it also has what a normal person, who could feel emotion, would consider negative aspects. Being a sociopath means that I'm never happy or sad. I also don't feel remorse, or love. I'm very anti-social to the point that I lie about having very bad anxiety, so that I have a reason to be anti-social. the only thing that makes me feel different from the numbness that constantly resides in my body is fear. Not like "I'm scared that something will happen to someone I care about" type fear, but the type of ea that sends adrenaline rushing through your body. I feel so numb all the time that I constantly think about doing things that will make me feel that way. I constantly think about being a little rebellious and ditching class or something like that, you know, start off small. The only thing is, I could get so comfortable with doing those things that I know longer get that feeling of fear anymore, and over time the things that I do to feel different, could escalate to levels that are dangerous to me and the people around me. I wouldn't feel bad about it, but in our society, actions have consequences. Now that I'm done babbling, I was just wondering if there's any other people have felt this way for their entire lives like me, and if they have found any way to deal with it, and feel something

2 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-10-11 22:24 ID:A1SwKV0j [Del]

For a start, I know what you feel when you say all that. Although I'm not a diagnosed sociopath, I refer to myself as 50% sociopath, because of a little condition. Whenever I feel an emotion too strongly, or I get put into a certain mindset, all my emotions completely fade away, and can no longer affect anything I say, do or think. Unlike you, I don't feel fear when I reach this state, and the only emotion that I do feel is anger, but I feel it extremely intensely. As in, the slightest provocation may make me completely rage out and try to rip the throat out of whoever irritated me, so I turn into a bit of a movie typical psychopath.

I'm afraid I can't really help with you, but one idea might be to put on a mask of emotion for a while, and never stop wearing it, until you become that mask.
Either that, or take off all the masks you already wear, and concentrate. Emotion isn't something you can explain, it's something you just feel.

Sorry if I was useless.

3 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-10-11 23:56 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

I used to be a sociopath that would have killed a bunch of people. I got a lot better but I still show less emotions than others. The main emotions I felt were depression and loathing growing up, since I was abused most of my life. Once I dealt with everything I felt a lot better.

I still can't read people based on emotion. I am a very logical person and view their actions opposed to expressions.

In your case it could be one emotion is drowning out the others, which could be caused from being bored.

There is a lot of problems with being sociopathic, since you usually don't feel/see anything wrong with death, it's just part of the circle of life. That is what causes, or caused in my case, the indifference to killing someone.

One thing that helps keep me happy is my rough past, since I know Life could be a lot worse.

All sociopaths can still feel happy/content, since it goes hand in hand with a reward system in the brain. People do different things to feel like something's rewarding too. I used to skate and now it's what I accomplish and learn. That reward system could be the thing that drives people to be psychopaths, since they might do some bad/bizarre things to feel rewarded/happy.

Instead of focusing on adrenaline focus on entertaining yourself with something fun. It mainly sounds like you're bored with life. Boredom causes numbness too. So try new things and explore what's out there in the world, the possibilities are endless. There is so much unknown in the world, with a lot known as well. Find a hobby that's rewarding to you.