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I don't know how to tell her. (6)

1 Name: Riddell : 2017-10-11 20:29 ID:kXAelgHn [Del]

Hi, I don't know why I decided to post this here, I suppose it's just nice to know someone out there will read it.
Recently I got a girlfriend, and going straight to the point, I can't feel anything for her. It's strange, she's perfect for me, everyone says so, even I know it in my head. I haven't dated many people, and I didn't feel much for them either, but it made sense since none of those previous relationships were serious.

It's really weird, she's beautiful, dark haired, blue eyed, just my type. She's kind of quiet, easy to talk to, meek and innocent to the point where someone like me (a bit on the mischievous side) can have a lot of fun with her. She doesn't even mind, she loves all the weird quirks I have. She respects the fact that as a person, I tend to keep to myself, so I need space sometimes.

I do feel a slight tenderness for her, but I feel like if it ended, all i'd miss would be someone who listens to me. I feel like somethings wrong with me. I don't know how to tell her that I just can't feel anything.

Before comments about 'Maybe you're gay' start to roll in, i'm pan-sexual. I've dated a plethora of different kinds of people, never as serious as this. I've never spent this long with one person. The terrible thing about this is that I think she really is in love with me, she's very committed, and i've been told she talks about me all the time and misses me when I'm gone. I'd feel terrible if I broke her heart.

2 Name: Cantate Song : 2017-10-11 22:11 ID:0L6Lh4L/ [Del]

Hmm... I have a few questions to ask that might help me help you...

-When you say that she is perfect for you, does this mean that appearance wise you compliment each other or is it that just her personality is easier to be around?
-Is your "type" something that some one told you would be your type, or did you truly knew that that is the kind of person that you like and have been drawn to?
-Would you call her more of an extrovert or and introvert? Which one would you call yourself?
-If you never were a couple to begin with, do you think that you could be just very good friends with her?
-How long have you been in the relationship?
-Where did you two meet?

I don't think that there is anything wrong with you... It probably wasn't meant to turn out in a romantic way, and that's just fine! Please don't be intimidated by the questions, It is just for me to get to know the situation a little more so I can hopefully help you better!

3 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-10-12 00:11 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

Sooo you haven't dated many people but dated a plethora of different kinds of people?

My advice is to tell her before it gets any worse, you don't love them. The longer You wait the harder and more painful it will be for the other person.

You think you know what you're type is but you don't. The thing about loving someone perfect for you is you never know what it is, since most don't fully know everything about themselves.

Do you know what kind if person makes you happy? Do you know what things make you attracted to someone? Do you know all the little things that make you smile? Do you know all the little things that keep you enrertained or not bored?

I'm with someone I love, for 2 years now, and I still can't answer those questions. She does many things that make me happy and I'm never bored around her.

Looks have very little to do with the perfect person, as it's the personality and what they do that is meaningful. Looks are a factor, but to base a relationship, or the ideal person, on looks is just lust, not love.

4 Name: Mi : 2017-10-12 13:24 ID:4yxVqoy/ [Del]

A friend of mine is schizophrenic. I'm not diagnosing with you at all, but I'm just comparing you to my past experiences.

He's just like what you described. Everything is there but the feeling. Even still, he's loved by others.
The emotion isn't there, just the same as the emotion isn't there for a lot of people. He once told me that even though he can't feel for the person he 'loves', they still mutually want to be together.

From what I can tell, this issue is very common. Some people have mental illness, others don't. I hope that when you talk to her, things go smoothly. I just want you to know that even though it sounds like such a terrible thing, people live with it perfectly fine and can live happy lives with their partner.

5 Name: Riddell : 2017-10-12 14:27 ID:kXAelgHn [Del]

Thank you guys so much... I appreciate the help. I've been questioning whether or not i'm aromantic or not, and i'm considering discussing it with her gently and trying not to be too harsh. I think I'm just more about platonic affection, like if I ever married someone, it'd be more because I get along with them. Love is just complicated for me, it always has been.

We met because i'm the captain of the crosscountry team, and she was a newer member, so I was obligated to introduce myself. She apparently had a huge crush on me for several months before one of her friends slipped and told me. Originally I thought it was cute, and decided to date her because she was a good friend and very sweet. We've been dating approximately a year now.

I felt very pressured to date her, and I suppose that's a factor in why i've never seen her in a romantic light. If I think on it more, I've never felt what people have described as 'the spark'. Maybe I just haven't found the right person.

6 Name: Sachiko : 2017-10-12 15:24 ID:JVzqOQbh [Del]

Well iv'e never dated anyone cuz ijust started high school but i think that when u get a partner something clicks or maybe ur just to compatible u know? U guys need friction. Ok bad choice of words but the point is that should should learn more about her. And make sure its not a one sided relationship.