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Revolution? Revolution. (2)

1 Name: Wysteria : 2017-10-10 17:10 ID:UJAC2i67 [Del]

I'm getting tired of it all. Rumor has it a revolution-- or perhaps a civil war-- is brewing in the U.S. yet again. Not that I can blame people or really be opposed. With Incompetent fools being put into presidential office, along with the lack of a better alternative, I can see why we are upset. Not to even mention a Congress majority in favor of said incompetent fool, allowing idiotic decisions to pass through what is supposed to be the buffer to prevent them. While I have heard people saying that everything will remain normal, or life will keep going, you're definition of "alright" should not be the Earth still spinning. Hell, Trump is not even in favor of the Paris Agreement-- which, may I mention, soon to be every other country but the U.S has signed. Unacceptable.

And even worse news, based on the potential candidates for 2020, that election won't be much better. And it's not as if we can impeach Trump-- Pence is even worse! We shouldn't have to settle for a President or the lesser evil, but rather have a choice for one can confidently choose.

We need reforms. With a corporate oil monger in the Pentagon and a White Supremacist sitting in the Oval Office, it's surprising the amount of people who are OK with this!

Honestly, I would rather vote for the Socialists or Communists than Trump at this point. I'm not joking. Ah, still, while I know people complaining about our government is nothing new. At all. It has gotten to a point where people are starting to think this is normal! It's not, and frankly disgusting what Trump has reduced our nation to: The laughing stock of the world, relative to his expression of us.

He is not only an embarrassment to us but is also a danger as well. With how he has been dealing with N. Korea, Isis, his threats against Russia, his accusations against China, his relationship with the Mexicans, temporary banning of immigrants from terror-prone countries, his discriminatory actions and words against races and people of certain sexual orientation/ identification, and to top it all off, his blatant disregard for any other country.

I think I have made my point.

It's time for a change to be made. There have been protests, strikes, even riots, and I'm starting to think they have the right idea. Perhaps executed poorly, but that's due to a lack of a common goal more than anything. It is possible, and I don't doubt it's coming, but as soon as people realize they intend to change the same thing, a revolution will happen. Unless something drastic is done, it is.

2 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-10-10 19:06 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

Politics doesn't belong on personal.


Have you taken a U.S. government class in high school? The system of checks and balances prevents the president from having too much power. But I do agree that Trump says some really dumb things.

Also on the topic of politics, there was no good choice for the last election, since Hillary constantly denied saying things in the past, like how she used to be firmly against the lgbt community.

Bernie prolly had more of a chance than Hillary.

You do know North Korea is communist, or at least started that way? Your whole family gets killed for just badmouthing the leader.

Also the media blows up the negativity in the U.S. when it is actually better in most areas. Lgbt community has the right to marry, there is less discrimination based on the color of your skin, or sexuality. As for the Muslim discrimination you can blame it starting with Bush. France made it illegal to wear burkas, while the U.S. isn't that discriminatory. Even after 9/11 we didn't ban any Muslim culture/customs. There is little discrimination against non-christians, since most people usually don't care what religion someone is.

I honestly don't see only the negativity that you are stating. There is negativity, but you are ignoring the good aspects in this day and age.

Think of how much good things changed over the years and knowing that trend, the future should be better too.

Focusing on hate is what causes discrimination too, like racism. So instead of promoting hatred promote the positive things to reduce discrimination.