Dollars BBS | Personal
















Just wanna rant a bit (1)

1 Name: Sora : 2017-09-28 20:17 ID:41bJGBUG [Del]

My parents are wonderful people in their own ways, and maybe it's just teenage angst and hormones, bu they're really starting to piss me off. I have severe bouts of depression, and the refuse to get me any sort of help. Don't want me 'doped up on pills' either. They both think I'm a whore, because I happen to have a few male friends that I enjoy hanging out with. My mother, to my face, tells me that by hanging around guys so much I'm bound to be called a slut, and honestly I never have been called one besides by her. Even today she said "and you can have [a friend] over while I'm gone tomorrow night, but no guys. And your brother will tell me if you do." Like yes mother I'll have my lesbian friend over but don't worry, she can't put her dick in me, since she doesn't have one. :)
My father is a racist asshole, and also makes fun of everything I enjoy. I had messed up with my concealer and red cover up color correcter, so I was just telling anyone that asked that I was going for a Frank Iero Revenge era look. "Oh, another stupidass Japanese thing you obsess over?" 1) Frank Iero doesn't even sound like a Japanese name. 2) I don't obsess over anything the way he makes it seem. 3) If it were, why is that an issue? Why can't I enjoy something? He also said to me that since my boyfriend is Asian, he should be good at math, right? No, no he's not. My friend Jose is Mexican, so his family is all probably immigrants, right? No, all citizens that earn their keep here, and came here legally. It just all gets on my nerves, really fucking fast.