Dollars BBS | Personal
















Mother (4)

1 Name: A3I : 2017-09-28 17:16 ID:VMsYzox6 [Del]

I hate my mother. From the way she acts to the way she talks. She was a cheerleader, got grants, traveled with the military all over the world. She met her first love in Holland. Big fucking whoop. She paid to have her homework done, she partied her money away, her first husband dumped her at 20, came back 50 years later to say he's committing suicide and she raised three druggie son's from two dads. She got nowhere, she acts like she's a goddess and like she's so much smarter than everyone else. The only things that are even remotely intelligent in that God Complex is that she corners me when she knows I can't do anything about it. Like the treacherous serpent she is she waits for a fuck up. The only real reason I want to get any sort of education is so I can shove each piece of paper down her bloaded corpse's throat. She can choke on my success in hell.

2 Name: A3I : 2017-09-28 17:30 ID:VMsYzox6 [Del]

I don't feel like going back and editing that but I have more to say. I feel like she eagerly waits just to fight with me or my brother. It's like she has a list or she wants us to fuck up. She just switches from person to person to take her anger out on. It's usually me she goes to first I'm a squishy little punching bag to her. Little does she know, deep beneath my skin boils a sea of magma. The fire she has so eagerly fed WILL consume her.

3 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-09-28 17:39 ID:aGR3XOiG [Del]

Whatever the reason might be, honestly you don't even need to understand her situation, just deal with it. If you personally want change, whether to change her attitude, just your own life or both. Think of a way that is rational and go for it. Either ways, don't keep such hatred and keep calm.

4 Name: Unknown : 2017-09-28 19:02 ID:WdYys1ee [Del]

I know how you feel my mom is like that so if you ever need to talk here's my number 1 618-250-5440 Oh Ya I guess I should tell you my name at least it's Zach I know it beats the whole point of the whole unknown thing but oh well