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Am I creepy. Part 2 (9)

1 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-26 12:20 ID:YFbkpH8j [Del]

Just a update for a thread I made a couple months back

I have got over alot of my only stalking and geting joy out of other peoples lives
After a long period of time I just became bored of other people and how predictable they were
So yeah for those who read the original past
For those who didnt I can post a link to the original if needed.

2 Name: Curlzzzz !78aUaOiHOk : 2017-09-26 20:00 ID:x/B8HcQS [Del]

Maybe you are Izaya and didn't realize yet? :O

3 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-26 22:44 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

Creepy? Pfffft!
You have no life, dude.
That's all.

4 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-27 02:28 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

Maybe if you didn’t hangout with the three same people all the time they wouldn’t be so predictable, and as for stalking, people due tend to stick to habits, it’s not necessarily predictable if they are humans who have normal days, if so then you predictably stalk people, which is in fact creepy, you are creepy. Congratulations on that, you achieved it! As a kid you didn’t see normal people and was like “I wanna be like that, happy, normal” no you said they’re predictable, and you decided that being creepy is the right thing to do, bet that makes your parents proud, but eh, with what you’re about it doesn’t sound you like have a good relationship with them.
But I do appreciate the ironic post, you post about you being clearly creepy and you ask people so you can confirm that it is in fact creepy. So what if it wasn’t creepy? Would you do something new to be even more creepy?

But I don’t really care if you get killed, or kill someone, it’s not my problem. Enjoy making the whole world SO proud of your accomplishment.

5 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-27 02:32 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

Also, to make it clear so I don’t have to answer any idiotic questions, I’m mocking you and your creepiness, hence the killing people, cause it is in fact creepy to kill people.

Again, enjoy yourself.

6 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-27 07:14 ID:YFbkpH8j [Del]

>>5 Same three people?

7 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-27 11:23 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

Figured I’d get asked stupid questions, I’m saying that you, like most “creepy” people only have about three friends

8 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-09-27 13:52 ID:YFbkpH8j [Del]

>>7 I have no relations to people so that is incorrect

9 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-28 03:08 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>8 do you realize how idiotic you sound? “I have no relation to people, life is pain, I have everyone, blah blah blah” seriously get over yourself and start acting normal, people do that, they have etiquette, no one wants to be “normal” per say, but they act that way to make it through the day to day, stop being an angsty teen, and don’t worry you don’t have to lie about your age, cause I truly do not care.