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What do Guys Want? (78)

1 Name: anon : 2017-09-19 23:54 ID:PdXxvPNN [Del]

Sorry, there isn't a really important reason for this thread. It just makes me miserable when guys constantly say girls only want money or something else shallow. I never want to make my non-existent future boyfriend believe all girls are only going to use him.

What do you guys want in a girl? No one ever bothers asking so I have no idea what I could do.

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-20 01:50 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

I wouldn't worry about it. Just don't date a fuckboy.

3 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-09-20 02:09 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

I would worry about it.
There are too many fuckboys out there.

4 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-20 02:19 ID:CXiZkz1i [Del]

I mean don't worry about "what guys want" because they think "girls only want money"

I'd agree with your statement otherwise.

5 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-20 03:33 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>4 I know. Was just kidding.

I agree.
Moreover has every guy other imaginations of how his girlfriend should be like, so no one can answer OP's question properly.

6 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-20 12:36 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

The irony in this post is amazing to say the least, you’re stereotyping guys for stereotyping girls, and you’re mad at them for doing it. Not every single guy is gonna view it that way you know, we’re not all wired the same way. If you’re not that person then don’t worry about how people view you, especially if you’re not in for that. But if you do just want money then you’re even more of a shittier person.
Your fear of being viewed that way kinda gives you away, as in you are in it for money or something shallow. The proof? Well look at the thread, you never denied being that way, you just say you don’t want your future, definitely nonexistent “boyfriend” to see you that way.

“Thanks for proving how immature and ugly you are... It’s been real

7 Name: Jin kaidou : 2017-09-20 14:53 ID:IdsijCFq [Del]

Hey Kanra, nice Izaya quote

8 Name: Jin kaidou : 2017-09-20 14:55 ID:IdsijCFq [Del]

Yay, I wanted comment # 8, and I am sure not all guys are like that. I also am sure some girls are like that.

9 Name: anon : 2017-09-20 17:24 ID:PdXxvPNN [Del]


I'm sorry, that's not what I was trying to say. It's my fault for phrasing, I'm sorry. I'm not really mad at them for stereotyping girls, I just feel bad. I feel bad a girl made them think that. I just don't want to be someone who makes a guy regret getting involved with somebody.

I said there isn't an important reason for this thread at the beginning because I'm not even looking for a relationship, I'm actually against one because I'm nowhere near ready. I wanted to ask this because I really don't know what a guy wants in a girl, and I feel bad for not knowing. I'm sorry.

10 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-20 18:09 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>9 Honestly, all you just said was incredibly stupid.
If you aren't interested in a relationship and you have no reason why you believe that guys would stereotype you, why the fuck do you think guys would do so?
All of this only proves that you have absolutely no imagination how everything works and you are only dependent on rumours and assumptions about that topic.
Guys as such a group don't exist, for every guy thinks differently.
And if you'd ask for my opinion there will be more guys seeing you as a sextoy instead of believing that you only care for money.

You shouldn't feel bad for not knowing what a guy wants, you should feel bad for making your own stereotypes of guys without any good reason, got it?

11 Name: anon : 2017-09-20 23:47 ID:PdXxvPNN [Del]

>>10 I understand, I'm sorry.

12 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-21 00:16 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>11 No, you really shouldn't be sorry.
What I wanted to show you was nothing but how dependant on others and their opinions you are.
No guy will take you seriously with your submissive attitude.
Don't worry about stereotypes, try to develop a significant character and fuck rumours and your worries.
A strong individual won't be painted with the same brush.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-21 03:03 ID:6BmyvtDW [Del]

>>6 & >>10
I normally ignore trolls like you, but this time I can't keep my mouth shut.
Is it fun to pretend being Izaya and to play with humans? The girl in >>1 is young and she has no experience. She is unsure and she definitely doesn't want to stereotype boys. She is afraid of doing something wrong and asks here for somebody to give her strength and to help her. She does not ask for somebody to pull her down with trolling. Even if this is a Drrr fanbase, you are not Izaya, none of you!

>>6 Do you feel better now after saying bad things to >>1? I guess you are a huge fan of Izaya and struggling so hard to become him. I don't care for your mental issues. Just learn to separate anime from reality. In reality Izaya would sit in jail because of his insanity.

>>10 Are you proud that you could prove how much of an Izaya you are? Testing her dependence and weakness and proving that you understand humans? Wow, how similar you and Izaya are! You must be very proud of it, right?

Stop trolling personal! Both of you!

14 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-09-21 10:59 ID:yRLaLeZk [Del]

>>13 this is a first to me lol. Chronos being a troll on personal lol. Also izaya is a lot worse, they wouldn't be as blunt if they were trying to be like that lol.

Chronos is right in their own way. Forget the stereotypes and I think the only time a gold digger stereotype is thought is when a young girl dates a elderly guy.

Guys and girl's aren't very different and everyone is unique in their own way. Therefore no one thinks the same, yet a lot of people, guys and girl's, are only interested in sex.

15 Post deleted by user.

16 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-21 13:08 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>13 not even slightly like izaya, I’ve just been a giant asshole my whole life, using quotes from him just make things funnier
But thanks for the comparison, I “really” appriciate it

But you can go back to being a white knight to random people on the Internet, who won’t give a shit about you in a week. You may even go to be feeling good about yourself thinking “I told him!” But I’m reality this is what trolls truly want.

And as for >>1 I bet she’ll get over her hormonal feelings in I’m guess 5-7 days, but she could very well be a troll just like me. Who knows?

>>13 But thank you for this, it has been some time since I got told off by a little brat like yourself

17 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-21 13:29 ID:heLcQ/bT [Del]

>>1 hey, no worries, not everyone thinks like that, yeah some people do, but you can easily change a persons way of thinking just by being honest and loving. I’m sure you’re a nice, sweet girl, you’re the only YOU out there, so you’re the best you there is, don’t listen to anyone who tells you different

18 Name: anon : 2017-09-21 19:59 ID:PdXxvPNN [Del]

>>17 That's very kind of you. I appreciate you defending me but in they're not entirely wrong.

I'm not very experienced, and this had led me to be naive. I shouldn't have asked. I apologize for the inconvenience.

19 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-21 20:47 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>18 Don't say that. You learned something, didn't you?
You learned that humans are assholes.
This bitter lesson of experience will help you to make it far.

>>13 Totally proud, how did you know?

>>14 I guess you missed some times, Sid.
Nevertheless are you right, we're far from being Izaya lol

20 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 01:40 ID:iFNDVf6E [Del]

>>18 no worries at all, we’re all naive to things on this planet, we as humans don’t know everything, that’s why we learn, don’t apologize for what you don’t know, just learn from it :)

Never doubt yourself either, we’re in a world full of those people, you can amount to anything if you fight for it and never give up. Be the best you there is, that’s all you have to worry about.

A lion does not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep

21 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 01:54 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

>>20 arent you the same person as >>6 >>16 and >>17?

22 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:03 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>20 “fight for what you believe” that sounds like bad dialogue from an inspirational film, the world isn’t full of people who fought for their dreams and got them, look at your streets, the people living on them are the people who fought, cause they got false hope from people like you, they bet, and they lost more than they had, people like you are worse than trolls, trolls tell you the truth you don’t like hearing, you tell them a lie they enjoy

>>18 The whole “they’re not entirely wrong” part is so incredibly stupid that it’s laughable, that is a cry for attention “if I put that maybe they’ll disagree with it and be nice” stop being fake and begging for the approval of people on the internet
See I could tell you the cliche thing “kill yourself” because you’re a waste of air, but I won’t, know why? Cause I truly don’t care if you live or die, because no matter what you do, you’ll be just as useless to society, just like >>13 who thinks telling people off on the internet will get him somewhere, it doesn’t, he’s fighting a useless cause, almost as useless as you. live your life or don’t, either way people will care just the same (which is none if you couldn’t guess)

I dare you to say “I'm sorry” again

23 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:05 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>21 If only I was that determined, but I truly don’t care, thanks for the consideration though, really appreciated

24 Post deleted by user.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:08 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

>>23 k. however i think you are right. trolls can help us more than nice ppl.

26 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:10 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>24 yup, you totally caught me red handed, I give up. Because that’s how I waste my day, pretending to be other people on the internet

Oh and if you want proof, our ID’s are different, a dog could figure that one out.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:13 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

>>26 woof woof. i know. thought vpn or mobile or whatevs.

life is hard as shit. love means pain. life means pain. kanra and chronos show you how it really is.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:15 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

and >>26 i know. i trolled too. its been a long time but i still know how you do it.

29 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:19 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>27 wouldn’t resort down to using a VPN just to make someone feel good about them self, I wouldn’t do that for anyone, see cause the crutial fact is that I really don’t care

But I do know I’m right, trolls may say “offensive” things (if you’re offended get over yourself) but those offensive things are facts 9 times out of 10

>>20 is a coward and a moron to say the least, even if I was to use a VPN I wouldn’t use it to say shit like him, that’s just pathetic.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:24 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

>>29 wow. how true. wanted to troll >>20 first for their stupid comment tbh. who thought that you would feel trolled instead.

31 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:28 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>30 I don’t understand your grammar, also I don’t care what you’re saying.

I just can’t get over “Stop trolling personal! Both of you!” From >>13 I mean if that isn’t the most cliche and pathetic comment on here, I honestly don’t know what is, well that next to anything >>1 or >>20 has said

32 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:31 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

>>31 dont you speak english?

33 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:32 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

But it’s also priceless that >>1 has seen this whole thing because she commented on the post below, meaning she’s online, reading the hate

34 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 02:32 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>31 lol
Dude, the only person not speaking English here is you, idiot!
A language contains more than just words.

35 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:33 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>32 i was going to ask you the same thing. Whatever.

36 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 02:33 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

Meant >>32 lol

37 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:34 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

i speak english! are you working together or what?

38 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:35 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>34 whaaaaa, I’m so hurt by what you’ve said, I could puke. I never even realized that language contained more than “words”

39 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:36 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>36 I stay true to my previous comment

40 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:38 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

>>38 he talked to me! but i speak english! whats your problem guys?

41 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:40 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>40 Problems we have none, assholeness we have an abundant supply

42 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 02:41 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>31 "Stop trolling personal" is what happens when someone isn't able to appreciate serious help lol

>>33 That's indeed hilarious!

>>40 You are the problem. Wanted to troll >>20? Really?
I guess you just wanted to proof how smart you are, believing that Kanra and Anon are the same person.
Too bad that they aren't, idiot!

43 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:42 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

why are you so rude? ive done nothing!

44 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:43 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>42 tbh I really wish I was Anon, he’s a bigger asshole than me, and he doesn’t even know it, or he does and he abuses it, either way I wish I could achieve that

45 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 02:45 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>43 Suspecting someone to be someone else is "doing nothing", yea?
Rushing into a conversation with such a bad accusation...
That's not very nice, you know?
Therefore I would state that "doing nothing" is kind of an understatement.

46 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:46 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>43 Like we said, we're only partly rude, we're mostly just truthful

But you knowing about VPN’s and pointing fingers at other people for being other people makes me wonder if you’re someone else on these comments... hmm

47 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 02:46 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>44 I know, right? lol

48 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:46 ID:hq1MuoLP [Del]

why am i an asshole?

49 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:48 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>48 sounds like a you problem

>>47 if only... lmao

50 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 02:48 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>46 That's a good point, dear Kanra. I guess he's >>20 himself lol

51 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 02:50 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>50 ”The world may never know”

52 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 02:52 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>51 Right. There's so much the world will never know lol

53 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 02:54 ID:iFNDVf6E [Del]

None of you are nice, I’m sorry >>1 has to go through this

54 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 03:02 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

>>53 The prodigal son returns... or should I say I returned? >>21 got me fucked up on who I am... but you’re right >>53 I do feel bad for >>1 you could say that it’s pity...

55 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 03:04 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

So, what did I want to say before that Anon rushed in?

>>20 We aren't all naive. Only who isn't smart enough to understand this world is naive and if you are naive and are unwilling to wake up from your stupidity, you'll stay naive till the end.
No matter how much you learn. It's a matter of attitude whether or not you learn from your mistakes.
>>22 is right, your post sounds like the epilogue of a film, sadly the world isn't as good as in films. Posts like yours are the reason why people commit suicide - because you gave them false hope.
Therefore that post was nothing but pathetic.

56 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 03:12 ID:iFNDVf6E [Del]

>>55 just because you don’t know how to face your problems doesn’t mean people can’t find contentness and happiness in life, you live in a warped reality so you only have selective truth, truth that goes with your life, you say everyone’s different but we all should live in the same sadness as you?

You and Kanra are depressed and take it out on others so you don’t have to deal with you’re own problems, and I guarantee you get a kick out of this, that you laugh your ass off because that’s what you do when you’re attacked, you laugh to make yourself seem above me or anyone else, you’re lying to yourselves.

And it’s not dialogue or epilogue, it’s truth, there is happiness in this world, sorry you couldn’t find it.

57 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 03:17 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

Ooh snap

58 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 03:20 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>57 Are we depressed? I haven't felt very depressed lately.
What about you? lol

59 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 03:25 ID:UOKcCv3m (Image: 640x1136 png, 637 kb) [Del]

src/1506068705382.png: 640x1136, 637 kb
>>58 nah he was prettt nail on the coffin for me, I’m like super duper depressed lately

(I wanted to continue this but I couldn’t think of anything I’d be depressed about, so here’s a meme)

60 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 03:30 ID:iFNDVf6E [Del]

>>58 >>59 see you couldn’t even find a valid reason where I’m wrong, now you’ll have like 4 barely reasons as to why I’m wrong, that’s besides the point, you deflect by hiding behind Kanra, and he hides behind a meme, stop and consider who’s really pathetic here

61 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 03:32 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>56 Don't you have selected truth yourself?
Who says that your view of the world is correct?

I just wanted you to live in the same reality, you know?
I mean, it's cool to live in a film, still one day you'll reach that point when all your beautiful dreams break into myriads of flinders.
This will be the day when you'll remember me and you'll see that life isn't like these films with happy endings.
Dream on until that day.

62 Post deleted by user.

63 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 03:34 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>60 lol
You're fun, you know?
I have an offline life too and sometimes it needs a few minutes to write something lol

64 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 03:36 ID:iFNDVf6E [Del]

>>62 really you do? Go figure, also you replied to yourself. So who’s to say your reality is correct? Know what reality is correct, the one you make it become, so excuse me for being content and happy in my life. But it’s funny how you keep saying I’m living in a movie when you’re pretending to be an anime character (izaya if you didn’t guess) but again, I’m not living in a movie, I’m just being content with what life’s given me

65 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 03:39 ID:iFNDVf6E (Image: 640x615 jpg, 105 kb) [Del]

src/1506069553888.jpg: 640x615, 105 kb
*deletes comment to cover up mistake*

66 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 03:41 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

This has gotten so interesting!!!

This will be fun! This will be fun! This will be fun!

67 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 03:46 ID:UOKcCv3m (Image: 640x421 jpg, 84 kb) [Del]

src/1506069985923.jpg: 640x421, 84 kb
*trolls Anonymous*

*Anonymous gets serious*


68 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-09-22 03:47 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

Well this got out of hand lol.

Kanra and Chronos have their own way of trying to help, yet apparently the anonymous person can't see that. They are very blunt and to the point. They pointed out flaws in the OP's thinking. I thought of it as them trying to break the OP out of it and seeing the flaws in stereotyping and being seen as a stereotype.

I can't stress enough to the OP that most people, guys and girls, have shallow reasons for hooking up with others. I experienced it first hand, since I was used as a one night stand when I thought there was more to it. For the longest time I thought it was only guys that did that, turns out girls do too. I finally found someone who holds similar values to mine, but it is hard to find that kind of person in this day and age.

Everyone stereotypes, or profiles, in some way. Even if it is subconscious, it manifests itself in some ways. I try to minimize those stereotypes, but they still surface. Mine mainly regards hipsters and immature sounding/looking people. I just can't get fully over stereotyping those people lol.

69 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 03:48 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>64 Did I say that my reality is correct? Nope.
I simply don't like people who believe in romantic bullshit and think that everything has an happy end, for it hasn't.
How should life have an happy ending if we die in the end?
That's hilarious!
Perhaps I'm content too. I'm content that I'm not as naive as you and don't live in a dreamworld, but be able to understand reality to a certain degree.
At least I see that dreams are pretty senseless for they almost don't become real.

If I were pretending to be Izaya, I would act differently.
I suggest to watch Durarara once again.

>>65 You are able to make screenshots. Respect.

70 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 03:53 ID:iFNDVf6E [Del]

>>69 I do agree with you that you’re not completely like izaya, you’re a wannabe, which is even more pathetic

I don’t live in a dream world, I live in happiness. Yeah our stories end with us dying, but it’s what happens in the middle that counts, everything you do while you’re alive counts, is rather die than waste a single minute having your fucking thought process. Yeah that’s dramatic, mock me for it, but in the words of Kanra “I don’t care” and I really mean I don’t give a shit. I’m being the true me, can you even say the same for yourself?

71 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-22 03:57 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

This has indeed become so very fun... I’m happy to have been here. This whole comment section is pathetic to be completely honest. But I do respect the fact that both anon and Chronos know how to mock each other in such an ideal way.

72 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 04:00 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>70 I'm hurt, you know? Really, deeply hurt.

Just kidding.
I don't care for what you say.

Fine. Then let's assume you're dead now.
What did your life count so far?

73 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-22 04:04 ID:iFNDVf6E [Del]

>>72 I’ve helped my community, given love to the people who thought they’d never receive that, volunteered at retirement centers, and so forth, although I’m no saint, and bragging about your good deeds makes them redundant, but I’ve tried to be a good person and help anyone I can.

What have you done? Told people their problems they already knew they have just in a dickier way? Congrats to you. Consider people and they will consider you.

74 Name: Chronos !OLodFucK0U : 2017-09-22 04:17 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

>>73 Sounds really good. I guess they will remember you when you're dead - but to be honest, I highly doubt it.
Humans are egocentric assholes and all you've done was for nothing in the end.
Must feel bad, I know. Don't cry about it.
Just remember: The world isn't as good as you think.
You can still watch beautiful films and imagine living in a fictional world. I would state that it could help escaping reality, but even this would be a lie.
There is no way to escape. Ah well, there is, but if I told you, you'd get mad.

However, thanks for this conversation, although I tried to help you getting rid of that naive attitude, it was pretty senseless.
Well, it can't be helped. Naive people stay naive.

75 Name: Rena : 2017-09-22 04:53 ID:1QcDfNUi [Del]

This has absolutely nothing to do with the original post anymore.


76 Name: HowDare : 2017-09-22 08:14 ID:HGPLkYea [Del]

Just be you, if you think you need/want to improve on something then do it, but do it as your own choice.

Unless you're just doing a survey thing? In which case what I want in a girl is for her to be a 3D and real.

77 Name: anon : 2017-09-22 13:53 ID:PdXxvPNN [Del]

I see I missed some chaos.

Although I never got what I originally wanted, I did learn some other small things. I'll sage this because I don't think this thread of controversy is very important. I'm sorry for all the unrest I caused.

Thank you.

78 Name: Sig-Sec : 2017-09-22 15:49 ID:+aVhgJyb [Del]

Believe me when I say this.

If a guy only claims that he finished his relationships, he's no good for you. Find the ones who know what they did wrong and want to make it right. They're the good guys. I'll never have a good relationship, but that's because I'm a soldier, so I'll never have time for them.