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Want to stop feeling emptyy and restless (6)

1 Name: 1340_ley : 2017-09-16 04:31 ID:WEBiTULZ [Del]

Hey guys, I used to be really active on dollars around a year ago but I kinda just drifted away from the community. I came back a few times when I was bored but the ppl on dollars changed n I honestly did not have much to say or contribute so I didn't usually stay for long.

But now I have to much time, and I'm feeling bored and unaccomplished. Nowadays, I'm shit at focusing even on the things I rly like to do. Everyone arnd me are going to social events and are busy. And I rly don't want to continue wasting the time I have. Plus, doing the things I like doesn't rly seem to work out (but u don't have to know what I like, just list what you like to do.) Would be rly great if you guys can list something that's productive, just list as much as u want pls.

If you read till here, thank you for reading this. I'm glad I could share this with strangers rather than ppl close to me, because I didn't want to end up with the same answers. Neither did I want topester anyone I know. I also believe ppl who don't know me might be able to give me more interesting answers. I want to do things differently for now.

 P.s. The only exception is that I'm off my job, so don't reccomend me getting a job:)

2 Name: HowDare : 2017-09-18 06:36 ID:HGPLkYea [Del]

I think going travelling or taking time to learn a language would be fun and productive, if you're more into sports you could join a martial arts club/fitness group in your area.

If sports and language learning are a no go, there's cooking classes, art classes, woodworking could be something fun and practical for you?

3 Name: 1340_ley : 2017-09-29 09:56 ID:Ox7iEXrI [Del]

>>2 thanks man, woodworks sounds rly great & I've already enrolled in a martial arts club:)

4 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-09-29 11:41 ID:dyg7Z7uH [Del]

Try finding yourself first. Writing a journal/log of my thoughts and actions helped me know who I am.

I got bored easily, and still do. Most of the things I did in my free time ended up boring me too, like playing games. When I found myself, and purpose, I started not being bored. Sadly now I dont have enough time to learn and do everything I want.

Try new things that you don't normally do, that will let you know more about your likes and dislikes. What do you usually do in your free time? Are there any careers associated to any of the things you do?

For what I like to do is learning advanced mathematics, reading feynmans lectures, learning/researching new tech. Overclocking my pc. Coming up with new theories related to light and quantum computing. Also watching movies and playing games here and there. I'm very curious and I get bored really easily, so I found something that will probably never get boring, since quantum mechanics is a very indefinite science and a lot is still unknown.

5 Name: 1340_ley : 2017-09-29 12:25 ID:jdTjXutZ [Del]

Journals used to be a good way to keep myself in check, but now my thoughts are often all over the place. Mainly because I'm so free, I end up thinking of what to do instead of doing what I want to do (Tbh idk how to explain this properly).

The thing is I'm always focused and invested when I'm working because work keeps coming in, and I'm more than happy to complete projects and move on to newer ones. It's a small job but it's definitely something I have interest in. The problem is when I bring that interest out of work context, I can't seem to get anything to work. It's quite tough because I know i could further myself but I'm stopping that from happening.

Anyways, my solution was to force myself to commit to what I plan to do by either going to classes or events and maybe volunteering. However, as much as I'd love to pursue my interest, I feel like pursuing it in my free time caused me some distress and I felt like I need to find something new.

But I'm glad you've mentioned quantum mechanics, I've only watched some talks and lectures because they were available. And since you've reminded me I might go back to watching some. Thks.

Ps I can't even finish watching the movies or games I want to watch or play and it kinda sucks. It wasnt like that last time:\

6 Name: Sid!MYwXno9Hgc : 2017-09-29 13:03 ID:UQk6bcAt [Del]

There is a big difference between getting paid to do something and not getting paid lol. I dropped out college on my first attempt too, since I didn't really have motivation to do it.

After learning from the school of hard knocks I went back with a lot more drive and determination. It takes a lot to pursue something, especially in your free time when you aren't getting paid.

Try new things and you might be surprised what you like/dislike. I know I was when I got into light, since I never once thought I would enjoy doing so lol.