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School Education (3)

1 Name: Agi : 2017-09-13 11:21 ID:Ax62oJSI [Del]

Well, I just want to ask your opinion. Do you think that most of your teachers in your school are good at teaching the students? Because in my cases, there are some teachers who only wants the students to pass the exam without giving the knowledge to the students. They just give the printout and ask the students to only study from there. What do you think "the best education" like (not the best but the ideal one for you)?

For me, the teachers have to give some materials and the students will search about it and discuss it with their teachers, so that the students could have some information that maybe they aren't taught in the class and could be helpful for them.

2 Name: Emiri : 2017-09-13 22:32 ID:yRFDVwFT [Del]

I'm in college and going into education and I can say it's very complicated. I've learned all this different stuff they called the best techniques but it's hard until your in the real world. You're right that some teachers just don't care and just wan kids to pass so it looks good. Personally I liked a lot of different things in a teacher I think it would take to long to explain.

3 Name: Snyper : 2017-09-14 08:25 ID:gqdLFsCj [Del]

I think that the teachers of a school greatly depend on three things. How much they get paid, what kind of school it is, and what kind of person they are. All of this is just in my opinion by the way.

If a teacher is paid a lot, they will be a lot more strict and only focus on students passing exams, because they want to keep the money. If they are underpaid, they will be more lax and care less. You need to get just the right amount.
Similarly, most private school focus on passing exams without knowledge, so they can boost their school up, whereas public schools have this problem slightly less.
And you can guess personality.

I personally am aiming to become a teacher, and I'm planning on being the kind of teacher that will connect with the kids, and have them do the work more than I do. For example, show them how to do a problem, then create three more problems and have random students solve them, then give them worksheets with more problems similar to the first one.