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is this normal? (13)

1 Name: marx : 2017-09-13 06:50 ID:w84SEItw [Del]

so today, my father died, and honestly, throughout the whole thing. I didnt feel anything. I wasnt sad, happy, or angry. And this has happened to me before at many funerals of people who are close to me.
I just wanted to know if this was even normal?

2 Name: Toshiro : 2017-09-13 06:57 ID:qYIM34F6 [Del]

I don't have much experience with this but I know a few people who've been through something like this and as far as I know it's normal, it's your minds way to keep you sane, it's just my opinion tho...

3 Name: Crack : 2017-09-13 20:54 ID:2rjrWDMm [Del]

Yes I've been at that time before, my aunt died who I have been taking care for a long time. But in her death bed I didn't even felt bad or cried. I just said in my mind that it was her time and we can do anything about it.

4 Name: Akito : 2017-09-13 21:30 ID:O/qSLQj+ [Del]

Ive been there, the emotions aren't there until you normally interact with the body such as placing a momento on their chest above their hands or something like that. but yes its normal for the most part

5 Name: Aryandiani : 2017-09-14 07:36 ID:XOkcG3r5 [Del]

It's alright, I went through the same thing when my Grandmother died. While at first, you don't really tend to feel anything due to the usual "shock" and your brain still has yet to comprehend what happened, It will catch up to you, unfortunately. And when it does, just, to be blunt. It sucks. But it'll be alright.

6 Name: Mono? : 2017-09-15 11:38 ID:PJ4uKp1L [Del]

there is no normal

7 Name: k_0 !9iZUdJnCqI : 2017-09-15 19:07 ID:apixE+Iz [Del]

I've gone through the same thing don't worry. when both my grandparents died only a couple weeks apart I felt the same thing, until I just broke down crying one day feeling like sh*t. But its perfectly normal and I wouldn't worry too much about it.

8 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-15 19:23 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

You're a sociopath, plain and simple. You're what makes society horrible, well not you specifically, but people like you that is. Although it's not "normal" per say but it isn't unique either, you're not special

9 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2017-09-16 01:04 ID:vlpgOqyp [Del]

>>8 that's harsh dude

10 Name: Amae : 2017-09-16 06:25 ID:fcbFQ+Es [Del]

>>9 Well it might be hard, still I think it is true~

11 Name: Kanra : 2017-09-16 13:54 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

"The sociopath is unencumbered by feelings such as fear, anxiety, stress, depression, remorse, guilt, caring, and love"

>>9 it may be harsh for some, but that's truth. Now you can accept it or hide from it, either way, no one cares about what you say nor do they care what offends you

12 Name: Blank : 2017-09-16 15:14 ID:pZ3c32tP [Del]

That's rough, I hope it gets better.

13 Name: Diatoxicotic : 2017-09-16 16:00 ID:f8z9jnO+ [Del]

Hmm,from what I can tell, you think of it as just shock, or maybe the reality hasn't sunk in, it just happend., and that's that, shear acceptance and moving forward.