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How can I find peace? (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-06 05:54 ID:C2Xh3E/a [Del]

Not going for the details, I'm just not happy with myself and my life in general. Forget comparing with other people suffering in this world. Just how things are for me, I'm feeling so uncomfortable and just not happy. What can I do?

2 Name: EasternOrc !K9eVpCOYLY : 2017-09-06 09:44 ID:CYJ+TSMF [Del]

1 week will pass , two weeks , a month , two months would probably pass and you will feel like that. what do you do then? do or watch something you like , for real , half of my 4 month vaction gone me feeling bad and depressed that i want to kill myself, but now i started to get pro help in a hospital , i watched animes i really like (Code geass , gate , kingdom , beelezbub) i played Persona 5 2 times and finished the game with 100% and i worked for a month. what im trying to say is , do something keep you busy and make you meet new people everynow and then for a while until you get a foot in your life and get back up again , avoide any sad music or sad activites and do something bring you some joy and tears (crying help you feel better) but make sure that you would never harm your body.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-07 04:01 ID:DCScbEsI [Del]

>>2 Alright thanks.

4 Name: HowDare : 2017-09-08 06:03 ID:HGPLkYea [Del]

If you're not happy with yourself, it's worth looking into how you could improve/grow yourself as a person? For some people it's learning a new hobby like taking up art or exercise, for others it's more about finding people you feel like you'd fit in right.

You could try and find a goal to strive towards, whether they're small fitness/creative or just in general life goals.

It might take awhile but you'll definitely feel better.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-08 22:20 ID:f1KLPMJz [Del]

>>4 Thanks. Well, I guess I'm better now. Noticing a thing or two about myself and that I could improve somehow. My life is pretty average but I guess even that, I have something to look out for.

6 Name: HowDare : 2017-09-11 04:38 ID:HGPLkYea [Del]

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better, you're a whole and complete person and you'll find your jam soon, just take it a step at a time.

Just remember to do what makes you happy and don't force yourself to do things you don't enjoy too much.