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Should I wait? (6)

1 Name: 사랑해 : 2017-09-02 06:32 ID:Sq8flbB6 [Del]

Okay so I'm bi (f13) and I have a few friends who are part of the LGBTQ+ community and they already came out to their family and they told me to tell my parents and I want to but the thing is that I feel like I'm too young to tell them already. I asked my friends about it and they kept on saying that I shouldn't be afraid and all that but they won't understand me. They're constantly pressuring me to do so and I was wondering, should I follow my friends and come out to my parents like them or should I wait till I'm around 16 or 17?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2017-09-02 08:23 ID:odCeqqgP [Del]

Trust yourself, seriously. Even if the outcome sucks, its your decision and you don't have to regret it. So judge it for yourself, whether you think age matters or whether you think your parents can accept it or not. Or rather, whether you can handle it or not. Well, trust your own reasoning and keep with it.

3 Name: ALIAS : 2017-09-02 12:38 ID:l9R7PuRb [Del]

I'd suggest assessing the people around you. Do they seem open to the idea? How do you think they'd react? Negatively or Positively? Also, do you think you can still be comfortable if they know? Age shouldn't matter too much if you can be comfortable with yourself. Like said above, trust your instincts with this one. The internet can only help you so much :D

Good luck!You'll be fine, don't worry.

4 Name: Emiri : 2017-09-02 21:43 ID:K51lPeD/ [Del]

Coming out is a personnel thing, don't let anyone else decide for you or pressure you into anything. The most important thing is that you are in a safe environment first! If you are then you can worry about the rest. Plus not every family reacts the same.
I wish you the best!

5 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-09-03 04:30 ID:Zc6TfO1K [Del]

Well... in the end it's you who has to decide which option to choose, still I wouldn't act with precipitation in your case.
Firstly, your parents mustn't know everything, you're not a pussy if you don't tell them.
If you want to tell them, tell them because you want them to know.
Never do something because someone else suggested it.
If it turns out as a bad idea you will regret listening to that person forever and blame yourself for not thinking on your own instead.

6 Name: JNR$ : 2017-09-04 21:05 ID:84pXv/ln [Del]

I had a friend that hide he was gay all through high school i Didn't care he was gay but he hide from his closet friends he has none now family is different an a trip Good Luck there bud