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Should I do it? (6)

1 Name: akira : 2017-08-29 04:23 ID:E1TXJfvT [Del]

Hello, my name's not important. Recently, my ex-girlfriend told me she's in love with someone else. I still love her so much, and it's difficult to go on as the days pass. So I thought of going to a counselor and have a talk. I've had a lot of suicidal thought lately, but I don't want to kill myself. My parents know nothing about this... but I need someone to talk to. So, should I do it?

2 Name: Vikksu : 2017-08-29 07:35 ID:mNo4BWh/ [Del]

Hell yes! Being able to talk freely about your emotions and feelings really lets out the weight off your shoulders. There shouldn't be a reason why you shouldn't. If your mentality is getting worse up to point where there is suicidal thoughts, you really should go for help. Don't worry. You can get through this, I promise.

3 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-08-29 08:07 ID:HVNu08fV [Del]

You really shouldn´t have suicidal thoughts because of a girl.
That´s not worth giving your life.
If you choose to die, die for a better reason.

Don´t you have friends? Someone you trust?
Talking to friends is sometimes a greater help than going to a counselor.
Anyways, going to a counselor isn´t a bad idea.
At least it´s better than suicide.

4 Name: Hitsuji : 2017-08-29 15:41 ID:PGJag1Z0 [Del]

>>3 Of course a counselor is better than suicide! There's nothing wrong with seeing a counselor! People seem to think there's something bad about seeing a counselor, but really the people who go to counselors are seeking treatments for things that are hard, a counselor shouldn't be your last resort, I spent years avoiding counseling because I thought it would mean I was weak. I finally gave in and found out it really does help, and doesn't make you weak, it strengthens you, helps you get over your problems. Sorry, it just bugs me when people make counseling out to be this terrible thing, and worse make the people who take counseling out to be terrible people.

As for your original question, if my ramble didn't answer it, take counseling, it helps. Your suicidal thoughts probably aren't just about this girl, most of the time they build up over time before actually entering your conscious thoughts. Counseling was one of the best things ever to happen to me.

5 Name: BlackCat : 2017-08-29 18:38 ID:OkBHiax6 [Del]

Don't kill yourself.Think about the people who would be hurt because YOU are not here anymore.If a loved one i knew killed themselves i would feel empty and it wouldn't be the same.And also if she don't want you no more that's her loss i bet your a good person who has a very outstanding personality.


6 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-08-29 19:54 ID:uyK4I5qY [Del]

>>4 I´m definitely not discrediting someone who´s seeking for professional help. There is nothing bad about seeing a counselor, as long as it is a good counselor.
Nevertheless, in my opinion it could get dangerous to be reliant on one person´s opinion.
May it be a counselor or not - humans tend to err. If reliant on only one opinion, the possibility of not getting a proper solution is high. If mental unstable, we trust others too easily.
I´d suggest talking to different persons - family members, friends and a counselor - to find the most fitting solution by building an own opinion out of everyone´s views.

Only on a side note to make clear why I think so:
I knew a traumatised girl. Her dad was a drinker and she was afraid of alcohol and of persons who drank. She got a boyfriend, but he drank a lot. She went to see a counselor, telling the counselor she were afraid of her boyfriend and of alcohol, asking if she should break up and search for someone else.
The counselor however suggested seing it as a "therapy" to get to know that alcohol isn´t that bad and that young people would all drink. He said that she wouldn´t find a guy who doesn´t drink alcohol, drinking lots of alcohol would be normal.
The girl stayed with her boyfriend, went increasingly unhappy and finally tried to kill herself, because she thought if everyone who drank alcohol would be normal, than it must be her who is the abnormal.
After she had recovered from her attempted suicide, she talked to others and realised that there are guys who don´t drink alcohol and she went better.

Despite the fact that there are good counselors, I would always suggest to be cautious regarding the advices someone gives.

>>5 Everything you said was correct.