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Advice for a teenager (7)

1 Name: LadyLiri !FvfhQd/UqU : 2017-08-27 20:12 ID:yCKOdPYD [Del]

I'm in high school and my school is extremely small. Everyone knows everyone and as someone who's never moved anywhere else I am familiar with all but the new kids. I have crushes and desperately want a relationship, but I'm a bit anti-social and aggressive. Does anyone know good ways to get boys to notice you?

2 Name: Redscarlette : 2017-08-28 22:12 ID:FPGGQkK/ [Del]

You have to stay cute

3 Name: Sid : 2017-08-29 02:24 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

You have to keep in mind that most people just want to hook up, not just guys.

The best advice I can give you is be yourself. You could get out more and talk to more people. Getting a job could help, since you have to talk to others. I know that helped me a lot.

If you aren't yourself and you find someone they might like the person you are trying to be. They might become uninterested once they really get to know you.

Also you need to have confidence in yourself and love yourself before you notice the people who like you. If you don't like everything about yourself try to improve those flaws. Everyone has flaws, and not all of them are bad.

4 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-08-29 07:59 ID:HVNu08fV [Del]

>>3 Pretty much this.

Furthermore, every guy has another taste in girls. We could tell you what we like, still no one knows whether your crush thinks along similar lines or not.
If >>2 says "stay cute" and your crush likes rough girls, you draw the short straw.
Be yourself, for you want your boyfriend to love you and not a portrait of someone you are pretending to be.

5 Name: LadyLiri !FvfhQd/UqU : 2017-08-29 11:22 ID:yCKOdPYD [Del]

Thank you so much, this is the best advice I've gotten in a long time. I'll be sure to keep all this in mind.

6 Name: Daddy : 2017-08-31 12:33 ID:U9PyOzcl [Del]

give them your pussy. bois always like pussy

7 Name: Tai : 2017-09-04 05:31 ID:veHmx2b3 [Del]

this is a complicated thing as a 16 guy all i can rly say is that it all depends on the guy and what they like and there are some.. imature guys out there so the best thing to mainly do is be your self no point lieing to you self and him because then you will never rly be happy, but personally i think there is a gap between talking to someone and becoming there friend which is the best time to ask someone