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Why do I need it? (4)

1 Name: Sorro : 2017-08-18 15:02 ID:bzQ+tyz5 [Del]

Today I came to the realisation that I always seem to need a relationship. It's like being with someone and having someone to care about makes what I deal with more bearable but what I don't understand is what makes me feel like I need it :/ can anyone else relate? Or have any clues?

2 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-08-19 11:37 ID:+imkUXze [Del]

I can relate to a small extent. I'm an introvert and I don't care about much company. But at times, I need it too.

Need? Why? Well, because thats just how huamns work. We live for other people, trust me. If you are alone on earth, you probably get bored and kill yourself. You need people. Even if you think you don't have too, you're lying. Even your goals and dreams might be a relation of people. To be able to help or just get company.

Everything ends with you needing people. So its okay.

3 Name: Mina : 2017-08-20 09:51 ID:ISaQKBUT [Del]

If you ask me I'd say it's normal cause humans are social in their nature no matter what you say you can't expect someone to live alone or to always keep a distance between him and the the others with no exception we all need someone to be with whether it's a relative a friend a lover.

4 Name: Colorado : 2017-08-21 21:49 ID:q1xdOjIk [Del]

I agree with Mina. I can go weeks without talking to many of my closest friends, but when it comes down to it I have a need to talk with my best friend and luckily partner. We aren't made to be solitary and so realizing you need someone doesn't make you a burden or needy or too dependent or anything of the sort.