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Can someone help please (18)

1 Name: Ghostd : 2017-08-03 10:23 ID:tY5AN7ME [Del]

I don't know what to do. I work with a girl that I like, she is younger than me, but she has a friend that she likes. They dated last summer, but they stayed good friends. I don't know what to do about this. I want to tell her that I like her can someone give me any advice

2 Name: Prof. Ours : 2017-08-03 15:22 ID:xXTZ2JZq [Del]

I've been there brother. The only piece of advice I can give is tell her. Unfortunately it's as easy and as hard as that. She may say no, she may say yes, but the only way to ever know is to abandon the safety net and take a leap. I've had both happen, and I can't say that I don't hate being rejected, but it's better than pining.

Hope this helps a little...

3 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-08-03 21:01 ID:h5nxesTX [Del]

Tell her. At least it´s a fifty-fifty chance.

4 Name: Sid : 2017-08-04 00:38 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

I kind of fell for someone younger than me, but she was too immature mentally. I told her how I felt and she seemed interested, but she still chased after other guys too. If it were to work out it would of had to been a few years later when she grew up. So I moved on with life, and met others down the road.

If you feel like pursuing a type of relationship just tell her, I thought it was hard at first too. But life makes it easier and you will look back and wonder why you thought it would be hard to tell someone you like them.

The worst that could happen is that they say they don't feel the same way about you and you get on with life. There is many more people out there too, you'll have many more chances with others.

5 Name: Ghostd : 2017-08-04 07:22 ID:FkhgbaA7 [Del]

Thanks guys I will tell her how I feel. We'll see how it goes, wish me luck.

6 Name: Justaway!6xUg1oOVb6 : 2017-08-06 10:55 ID:28cbe1k5 [Del]

You got more guts than me man.

7 Name: Celty : 2017-08-06 20:47 ID:rXA81Sov [Del]

Good luck! Tell us how it goes :)

8 Name: Kuruto-Kun : 2017-08-08 07:03 ID:9O+Vv7d0 [Del]

Don't be a pedophile...

9 Name: Ardanova : 2017-08-08 10:26 ID:qNWK+uD5 [Del]

You got to make a move, before it's to late.

10 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-08-08 13:50 ID:bfEgadNQ [Del]

>>8 it depends how old they and the person is

11 Name: Celty : 2017-08-08 15:16 ID:3cGn/b3n [Del]

Yeah, I don't think he'd come asking us for help if he was like that.

12 Name: Phonos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-08-08 20:41 ID:IcfLMFz4 [Del]

>>8 Come on, people, we don't want to condemn someone for having a lolita complex.

>>11 Perhaps. Who knows...

13 Name: Ghostd : 2017-08-11 09:27 ID:xS18Ebcn [Del]

It didn't go well she said she sees me just as a friend. I just have to move on. Only thing is I have to hear about guy she is into.

14 Name: Celty : 2017-08-11 16:26 ID:rXA81Sov [Del]

Tell me about it. I have that same problem with my relationships. Sorry to hear that.

15 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-08-12 06:11 ID:Xe1MZxma [Del]

It didn´t go so well, though it didn´t go so worse too.
Listen, you heard of the guy she is into. Isn´t this an interesting information?
Yeah, it hurts - of course! Just see it the other way round for a few seconds: You know now what she likes about guys, don´t you? That´s an information you could use to become her boyfriend.
That she likes him doesn´t mean, that he likes her, does it? In other words: There is still the possibility left, that she will get rejected by him.
And this could be your great moment, dear Ghostd: You could be the one consoling her after the disappointment.
And what happens in all the stories?!
Bingo! She falls in love with you.
You see? It didn´t go so worse. You only need to prevent her becoming his girlfriend. And while keep on talking to her, you are able to figure out what she likes about him, to know how to behave to become her boyfriend.

>>14 Why don´t you talk about it too?
You could help out eachother.

16 Name: Prof. Ours : 2017-08-12 18:02 ID:xXTZ2JZq [Del]

Ghostd, I'm sorry to hear that it didn't go well. I had that happen not so long ago myself. You have to remember though, you can't change other people's feelings (or your own for that matter). You can't MAKE people fall in love with you, and even if you could, would that really be satisfying? Would it really make you happy to know that you acted a certain way to make someone love you? It's a story I've watched my friends and family go through and it always ends the same way: poorly.
It hurts, it hurts like hell and it's a hurt I have in my chest even as I'm writing this, but if you really love someone you can't try and change them.
As for having to hear about the guy that she likes, it's pretty much the same advice that we gave before just in a different context. Be honest "Hey, sorry but can we not talk about that? It makes me uncomfortable." if she really is your friend like she says then she'll understand. I speak from experience as well.
Love can't be selfish Ghostie, the only way that love survives is by giving, and sometimes that means, even in the face of what I have no closer word for than agony, letting go.
I'll leave you with one last thought. You can't start to heal until you let go, and letting go is just about the most heart-wrenching action humans are capable of. It's gonna be long and hard, but you will heal.

An epilogue that I don't usually put at the end of my ideas (coughrantscough) but I'm not trying to fix anything myself, I can't fix people, only you can begin the repair process. I just try and give advice where I think I might have knowlege. If that's ever unwelcome, tell me and I will simply talk to show support. I'd rather simply be present than anything else.

17 Name: Ghostd : 2017-08-13 08:47 ID:mRrf5SYt [Del]

>>8 look I'm not a pedofile She's 17 I'm 19
>>14 I've been working a summer job with her for two years now. And we got a good emotional bond, because she went through depression at 14. I've gone through it in middle School, I was an outsider.that brought us closer together. After the first summer we started hanging out a lot. This summer I couldn't wait to start working because I knew we would always be the same shift. I got to know her even better now. I know some things not a lot of people know about her. But I think the main reason that she turned me down is, I waited too long to do something. We are also two different sort of people. She is the party all night type, and I am for partying but there has to be a limit. She goes out with her friends every night to party. And I go two three times out with friends till two three am and that's it.Look if you are in the same boat as me do it and see how it goes.
>>15 yeah it's not that easy now, they live in different parts of our country and he said to her not to find anyone till winter which she happily agreed to do. So that's out of the window.
>>16 I know I already let go. She asked me if I'll be ok. This wasn't first time I got rejected by someone who I knew. I'll just let go and move on. My best as soon as he heard, he dropped everything he was doing and showed up on my door with a few things that he knew would cheer me up a bit, he is helping me get over her, and I am feeling a little better but I know it'll take a lot of time to get over her.

18 Name: Prof. Ours : 2017-08-13 12:38 ID:E8J3kZiE [Del]

We're here for you buddy.