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Doing fairly bad in academics currently. (6)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-07-25 07:48 ID:BrNatsaN [Del]

Ive always been a dude that did fairly badly in academics. I admit, I'm dumb. But recently, I don't think that is the case anymore. I'm actually smart, just like most people on earth. I have a pretty average brain and I can use it, of course. The problem is literary laziness. I love efficiency, but my laziness is the procrastinating kind of crap. Either ways, this laziness is the one stopping me from getting better grades in school. Now, I'm generally 50%. I want a 75%.

So honestly, I need advice. Anything relevant that any of you reading could give. I honestly feel worthless recently. Its not jusy academics, but its obviously the serious one for me.

Thank you for reading.

2 Name: Chronos !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-07-25 20:02 ID:a56IJxrg [Del]

The main reason why we lack motivation and become lazy is that we´re not interested in the subject itself and only learn for getting credits. In case you don´t like what you´re studying, you won´t find motivation. Perhaps you have to change your way of thinking. Instead of "Fuck, I have to learn this shit", think "Oh, integrals are so nice. Nobody understands it, if I´ll understand it everyone thinks I´m smart". Pretend to be interested and you will get interested. You can fool yourself, if you want to.
To stop your laziness you could also create a timetable to plan your day - for example: 1 hour studying, than 1 hour something you like, than again 1 hour studying... It´s important to reward yourself to find motivation and overcome laziness, means after learning, do something you like. Within learning units it´s neccessary to take breaks, because nobody is able to concentrate for hours. Eat something delicious, take a walk - don´t sit at your desk in despair.
You could also change your study environment. When studying at home we´re often distracted by our computer or by our family members, but when studying in the library our concentration is much better.

3 Name: Majorer : 2017-07-25 23:44 ID:27T1oIv4 [Del]

>>2 Doc Chronos strikes again. Seriously dude you should host some sort of Doctor Phil-esque show

4 Name: Anonymous : 2017-07-25 23:59 ID:EdFxEdvW [Del]

>>2 Thats a good advice. Thank you. I will take action based on that.

5 Name: Celty : 2017-07-26 20:49 ID:rXA81Sov [Del]

Mine is totally geeky, but I try to make anything I don't like into a way that relates to anime. XD

6 Name: Chronos !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-07-27 04:56 ID:Ewld9gDH [Del]

>>3 Believe me, dude, when I´m running out of money, I´ll found the "Chronos-the-moron-Doc-Show", giving stupid, effectless advice.
Wanna team up with me? Xp

>>4 I´m a lazy person myself and learning in the library helped me a lot --> this is a serious suggestion.
But >>5 ´s idea sounds more fun ;)