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Good news (4)

1 Name: EasternOrc!K9eVpCOYLY : 2017-07-25 07:01 ID:FQjrAHMY [Del]

Hello !

Probably some of you don't know me. I haven't been active here for some time due i can't look here and help people like before. But i have great news. I have depression for almost a year and few days ago something happened made me sad and i start crying. I went to a nearby hospital to my house who provides professional doctor to help me psychologically after i visited them few days ago i feel like i don't have to bother myself to go to my appointment they made for me ,but , for a better future for me i have to push myself for a better life and write a new chapter of my life. What I'm asking here is motivation to help , something makes me know that there someone cheering for me.

Thank you all and thank you Chronos for listening to me. I really do appreciate your support.

2 Name: Kyouka : 2017-07-25 09:40 ID:JuQrWyqI [Del]

I don't know you, because I'm new to this. I wish you good luck for your new future though! We all have good and bad times, and we all can get better somehow! If you need support there will always be someone listening to you. Within the Dollars or outside of the net. Just ask for help and you will get some :)

Chronos did something good? I'm totally stunned XD

3 Name: Chronos !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-07-25 20:26 ID:a56IJxrg [Del]

Hey! It´s been a while! Welcome back, dude!

To write a new chapter of your life is a great decision and will be a big step towards unknown territory. I´m proud that you made this choice, although it might be hard at the beginning. Nevertheless I´m sure you´ll find your way and you´ll see that there will be lots of doors opening up to you; when you look around carefully, you´ll find them.

Until you´re definitely stable it would be a good idea to integrate more into a community like the Dollars first. You´ll find support within others, perhaps inspiration for further ways to go and it´s also a good way to get distracted.

Still, writing a new chapter of your life means breaking with the old things, even destroying what you want to leave behind,; only then we are able to create something new. No matter if within the Dollars or offline, it would be neccessary to have someone by your side who cares for you, someone who you trust in.

No problem. I´m glad that I could help and honestly wish you the best!

4 Name: EasternOrc!K9eVpCOYLY : 2017-07-26 07:35 ID:zB0M2+2q [Del]

>>2 thank you for your support!! Well I did see some of his comments hear but sometimes you can't judge too quickly at someone.

>>3 it would change me alot really since i will take as many appointments i can. The hospital will support me anytime i need help or thinking to do something bad to myself. And yes , new chapter with no old things behind. I still have some stuff with my relationship but i can't do anything. I can't reach or know anything about her in anyway anymore , i cried because of that and i knew that I have to start again and be stronger since she wanted me to get better. Idk when i would hear about her, in September or maybe even in January. She would be away and i won't know anything about her. The thoughts about me thinking about her 24 hours a day has gone and i never remember her until i see something while im in 9gag or so. It's a new chapter for my life and i really hope not to do the same mistakes from the past.