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Gay? (11)

1 Name: aurelie : 2017-07-20 22:23 ID:/qukgWyo [Del]

In my school is this one guy i like. He asked me out many times. We eated icecream and went to a the cinema. He gave me a lot of compliments and i thought he likes me. Then i asked him if he has a gf and he said that he has no interest in women. Does it means he is gay? Why do people even become gay?
I don´t know what i should do now. Should i ask him if he is gay? Should i meet him again?i´m so sad.

2 Name: Zeneko : 2017-07-20 22:57 ID:osAixVt1 [Del]

I-i think you s-should meet him again. You know like f-friends I g-guess. Be happy with him. Don't ask if he's gay, i-its kinda rude i-if you think about it. J+just ask who he likes. D-dont be sad. T-this is just my opinion, you don't h-have to take it literally i-if you don't want to.

3 Name: Kanra : 2017-07-21 02:23 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

Aww do you have a problem with homosexuality, you're fear of it really sets you apart though, almost as if you're in the closet yourself, but then again, this is definitely a fake story, so what do I care? Spoiler alert... I don't.

4 Name: Kyouka : 2017-07-21 03:35 ID:QWxYXfPp [Del]

>>3 Exactly.

>>1 Come on, we're not all dumb on this website, you know? Think a bit before you post something. Why should a homosexual guy ask you even out? It's completely nonsense. You thought nobody would realize? Too bad, we did.Go search a hobby, kid!

5 Name: Chronos : 2017-07-21 20:20 ID:uyK4I5qY [Del]

>>4 Just imagine that guy´s a Christian. God doesn´t like fags so much, that´s a well-known fact. So he probably needs to hide that he´s gay. And how do you hide it the best way? By dating girls! Case solved.

6 Name: Kyouka : 2017-07-22 10:05 ID:vQtadgPc [Del]

>>5 Ok. It's a "well known fact" I have never heard about. Why shouldn't god like homosexuals, Mr. Anti-Christian?

7 Name: Chronos : 2017-07-23 01:08 ID:mTN5yg/K [Del]

>>6 Couldn´t you also ask "Why should he"?
Anyways, to answer your question - It´s stated in the Bible.
"And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; Bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein." (Genesis 9:7) - this doesn´t work if someone becomes gay.
Also "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable" (Leviticus 18:22)
--> So humans being gay is obviously not in the sense of God.
Of course this solely is no proof at all. Just read the entire Bible and you´ll find more about this, Dear Kyouka.

8 Name: Kyouka : 2017-07-23 08:16 ID:gkL4D0JW [Del]

>>7 Really? You know a lot for someone who claims to ba an Anti-Christian

9 Name: Mitsuhiko : 2017-07-23 09:23 ID:kTLPhtq3 [Del]

>>8 Don´t believe him. He knows nothing.

>>7 Okay you know the bible this is good for you but your interpretation is wrong. You don´t get what Christianity really is. You talk about the OT when God had been a punitive and jealous God. This changed in the NT. With Jesus Christ God became the loving father who loves all his children, homosexuals too. You should read the whole NT too before you insist that God would dislike homosexuals.

>>1 I don´t know why everyone is so crass here. When you really like him then try to stay friends and figure out if he is really homosexual or not. When he has no interest in women, it mustn´t mean that he is gay. He could also be uninterested in a relationship right at the moment.

10 Name: Jaydon.A : 2017-07-23 15:10 ID:i+y9baup [Del]

>>1 Just tackle it without thinking of straight or homosexual, Or do what I would do and say "Remember that time you stated you have no interest in women, so you into guys?" But say it with a comedic tone

11 Name: funnyman : 2017-07-24 00:57 ID:/t5LlIkL [Del]

Yea or check out what he thinks about gays. Tell him your cousin is gay and now he gets bullied and watch his face when you tell him then you can see his reaction to it.