Dollars BBS | Personal
















Work person (11)

1 Name: Hrglfrgl : 2017-07-19 01:01 ID:4EqQ1GIf [Del]

So i've started a new job recently and there's this girl who i kinda like there. I don't know what to do though. Like i've liked people before but every single time i've been rejected. I feel like trying to kill all these feelings as soon as possible because i know it's literally the worst. But i know that isn't a healthy attitude. I'm 20 and i feel like i should be able to maturely deal with these feelings but i don't know how. There was a work night out a couple weeks ago and i got a bit too hammered, i apperently ended up jumping over the bar and getting kicked out (i don't remember), i also ended up owing the girl like £20. I don't think that's really been a great start. I don't know what to do, if i do something about these feelings i could fuck up my work environment, but if i don't act then maybe i'll regret that. Sorry if that was long winded.

2 Name: Celty : 2017-07-19 06:53 ID:rXA81Sov [Del]

I'm not really good with love ethier, but I'd apologize and pay her back the money with a little extra. She'd appreciate that you feel sincere

3 Name: Zanza : 2017-07-19 23:47 ID:EH0M6cn4 [Del]

first of all, as celty dono said, pay her back a bit more then you owe, then try to become her friend, weather it be slowly or fast, you'll learn more about her then you'll be able to decide if you really like her on that level, also if you really do like her and are scared of being rejected then be her friend and feel happy about it, you don't have to be kissing and hugging and fucking to survive, you can just be her friend and enjoy talking and hanging out with her, but the choice is yours to listen to me or not, just choose the path that you think will make you happier

4 Name: Celty : 2017-07-20 15:11 ID:/2L13ebW [Del]

Yeah! That sounds about right! Have confidence in your choices and everything will turn out how it is supposed to! You got this!!! :3

5 Name: Chronos : 2017-07-21 00:11 ID:HPUFV29m [Del]

1.) Apologise
2.) Give her back her money
3.) Leave a better impression from now on
4.) Think before you act next time
5.) Good luck!

--> with my ultimate advice your chances of getting her as a girlfriend will be...12% if you´re lucky.
Why? Because you WAITED for a FEW WEEKS. You should have apologised the next day, instead of posting here, you know? I´m not really surprised that you can´t find a girlfriend with such a rude behaviour...

6 Name: Hrglfrgl : 2017-07-21 01:21 ID:Bk9cUsaH [Del]

Hey, i don't think i made this clear when i made the first post. I've already paid the money back (with a little extra) before i made the post. My post was less about how i should act and more about my insecurities when it comes to this sort of stuff because it has affected me before when i've felt like this about someone. Thanks for the advice though.

7 Name: Kanra : 2017-07-21 02:20 ID:UOKcCv3m [Del]

Maybe if you realize this girl will never like you cause you're her coworker and she's definitely more mature about, you'll get over her, or you can grow a pair and ask her out and get rejected, either way, no one cares

8 Name: Frey : 2017-07-21 03:41 ID:pbRDKiaU [Del]

Ok, I don't know why some are being such dicks about this to you, but whatever.
That said, I do believe that the best way to go about it is to talk her for a while. Since you work with her chat up and find things she likes and maybe you've got in common. After you've established a couple of things and you're sure you do want to make a move, ask her out somewhere you know she might want to go. If she says no, ask her maybe why or tell her you like her enough that you'll persist (many women like when someone persists- shows them you're not just messing around) and if she says yes there you go.
Source: experience.

9 Name: Celty : 2017-07-21 14:23 ID:9vEMeJdv [Del]

God, everyone is so rude. I agree with Frey! No one has to be mean, he came to the Dollars asking for advice, not critiques.

10 Name: Pancake : 2017-07-24 14:30 ID:UkTWiV9k [Del]

I would just try to talk to her, maybe become her friend and then ask her out. If she says no I would look for someone else. There are ton of peeps out there and being sad about rejection is a waste of time. It just means they are stupid and don't deserve someone as cool as you.

11 Name: Kyouka : 2017-07-24 19:37 ID:FlrmgLTi [Del]

The first step to love is friendship. If I were you I would try to become her friend to show her that you are not the kind of guy she thinks you are. I would not bury my feelings for her without a try to become her boyfriend first. Some girls are impressed by rowdies who got thrown out of a bar ;)