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A Living Paradox (7)

1 Name: ........ : 2017-07-09 21:57 ID:ErIGS7wY [Del]

I do not feel happy nor sad. I know it's that famous paradoxic feeling thing.
But sincerely I just don't.
I don't think I feel empty either.

It's just that, I try to be happy and look happy but I just can't sincerely feel it.
Same thing as being sad.
I try to feel sad but it just does not work.

I have a proper nice living environment and surrounded with people that cares for me.
But I just don't feeling anything.
I try to always be bubbly and cheerful because If i don't my mother would get mad at me for just being the normal me who does not wear any emotions on their face. It would just be hassle to have this argument so I just follow what she wants

I'm feeling tired. Nothing excites me nor makes me feel intense sadness. I want to feel euphoria and absolute despair.

I feel like if I were to die now writing this or after any time soon. I would not mind.

2 Name: Unknown : 2017-07-09 22:42 ID:qd9yi1ZL [Del]

Don't ya die

3 Name: Sid : 2017-07-10 10:43 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

Try new things, sounds like you're bored with life.

4 Name: BKS : 2017-07-12 01:10 ID:r6Phmq+K (Image: 960x960 jpg, 148 kb) [Del]

src/1499839842012.jpg: 960x960, 148 kb
Stay alive fren... just stay alive, for me? l-/

5 Name: Kai-ness : 2017-07-12 18:40 ID:zJP6ryrn [Del]

I just posted something similar to this. I can understand those emotions perfectly. I hope things get better for you though.. just hang in there

6 Name: Raizo : 2017-07-12 22:27 ID:7xPOJyr9 [Del]

You might just need to try new things. Just because you are surrounded by light doesn't mean you'll become light. You might need to just go out to new places. Try foods you've never tried before. Hang out with people you know make you feel even a little happy inside. Once you find something that moves you embrace it and open up. Once you know what makes you happy that's just the start. The world is big and beautiful but the emotions we all have make it bigger and more exciting.

7 Name: Zanza : 2017-07-19 23:57 ID:5eO3ni5f [Del]

I had a feeling like that before, but I am not so bothered by it as you are, its a weird feeling, but I think its a precious feeling in my opinion, you will get better, i know it, you must find something that will make you feel, for me I was watching fairy tail and I felt super happy when igneel and the other dragons appeared, and then I felt really sad when they died, also while watching oreimo I felt really sad when kyouske broke kuronekos heart, then I realized that I have a friend that makes me really happy to be alive, so I think you must find something like I found, not the same thing, but something that makes you feel, I know you can do it if you try, sometimes it can be as simple as looking around you