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Lonely. (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-07-06 01:55 ID:M2S4NEgo [Del]

Idk if I'm being selfish, but I've been very lonely lately.

I'm entering 10th grade, so I had made some new friends recently. I guess they're a bit cool to hang out with, but I don't feel like I fit in? They talk and make jokes about things that sometimes makes me uncomfortable--half the times they make me happy, other times I just want to pretend I don't know them. I also have some friends from middle school, but since we don't see each other, it doesn't feel right. They have friends of their own. I treasure the times I talk with them and some online friends, but I just don't feel completely satisfied (if that's the word). I have no other choice either for my new friends since my school/classes are very small. I've just been feeling real lonely recently. I don't deeply connect with any of my friends and life has just been stressful. Is there anything I could do to change this?

2 Name: ImSupposedToBeWritingAPaper : 2017-07-06 02:28 ID:9I51deFM [Del]

If they are new friends then it might be too soon to connect on a deep level. deep connections take time. try to be patient. sometimes when im lonely it does not really matter who is around i still feel the same way no matter what and then i ask my self maybe this feeling is depression??? sounds pretty normal for 10th grade. high school age is hard but it gets better. maybe try to learn something new you can do alone. paint, instrument, dance, writing? sometimes when i am unsatisfied with friends it is because i am too buy thinking about how i want them to be instead of liking them for who they are. appreciate people for the good stuff. i will send positive vibes for you anonymous.

3 Name: Sid : 2017-07-07 01:28 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

School friends come and go, most people don't have that many true friends in their life. I know I only have one true friend, all the others come and go. I'm 25 by the way, and the same thing happens in a workplace and in college.

When I was in high school I always stayed to myself, it was easier that way.

But the first step in making new friends is to talk to others, don't just stay to your one group of pre-existing friends. If you don't like them don't spend time with them.

4 Name: Chronos : 2017-07-07 18:52 ID:Lb4j2Jcy [Del]

To find "real friends" isn´t that simple. Most people we meet will stay "acquaintances" - someone to talk with, but not someone we deeply trust. In such a short amount of time it´s nearly impossible to say whether they fit you or not. They might be only pretending to be too cool for you and in fact are only afraid of being outsiders. Who knows how they behaved in middle school? Let some time pass - perhaps you´ll be able to form a deeper bound or even realize their facade.
In case you´re sure that they´re absolutely not your "type" (wrong interests, wrong worldview etc.), go and search for someone else before becoming their "shadow" - someone who follows a group without being an important part of it, someone who´s often made fun of. There might be few students in your form, but aren´t there other students too? Try talking to others when feeling lonely.
And most importantly, don´t fear to be alone! Having no friends in school doesn´t instantly mean you´re strange. Sometimes it´s better to have no friends than to have the wrong friends. Remember, you´re not alone - you have the Dollars!

Sadly >>3 is completely right with "school friends come and go". Although it is not only "school friends". When we haven´t got enough time to take care of friendships we obtain, they fade away before we recognize. In case you had some friends in middle school you deeply care about and don´t want to lose, try to contact them at least once or twice a week and try to meet them, otherwise they´ll be gone.

5 Name: L-Chan : 2017-07-08 00:12 ID:0yVeeRD0 (Image: 383x305 jpg, 36 kb) [Del]

src/1499490777578.jpg: 383x305, 36 kb
Hey isn't that funny? I'm entering ninth grade. Finally a high schooler. I understand the friend thing. Sometimes I feel like my friends don't understand me. Like, I bring up anime, they go "what the hell is she saying?" I told them to call me L not Elle. They go "uh ok?" I want Otaku friends like Erika and Walker or something. People who get me. I live in New York btw and I actually live in a pretty calm part of New York.

6 Name: Rikukodo : 2017-07-08 13:02 ID:g+o4ilpr [Del]

would u look at that im entering 10th grade too and im having the exact same probs as u almost like we are the same person lmao :/

7 Name: Rikukodo : 2017-07-08 13:05 ID:g+o4ilpr [Del]

lets try to hang in there and survive!!!

8 Name: Rimi-hime : 2017-07-08 19:32 ID:h5nxesTX [Del]

me too! wanna be friendz with erika too! i´m soooo into bl!
my friendz think i´m crazy T.T
fujoshi 4 eva! fujoshi 4 life!
i´m sooo shipping shizaya!
anyone else???????
wanna be friendz???