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Closet jealousy (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-07-06 01:14 ID:NMMboO2g [Del]

I'm queer but I have to stay in the closet for safety reasons. Seeing other LGBT people who came out and were accepted by others makes me happy for them, but also disgustingly jealous of them. I get bitter over how I can't have the same sense of security that they have. And I see people who say things like "I know my friends and family wouldn't care if I was gay but I'm still just scared to come out" and I just get angry, as if they don't have the right to be nervous about it. Which I know is wrong of me, and I always try to correct myself, but the feeling's still sort of buried there underneath it all.

The guilt from it is just seriously getting to me, especially because I even feel jealous of one of my closest friends. Again, I can't come out. But if anyone can relate or like give some advice on how to manage jealousy, I'd seriously appreciate it.

2 Name: ImSupposedToBeWritingAPaper : 2017-07-06 02:47 ID:9I51deFM [Del]

You have nothing to feel guilty about, you have done nothing wrong. you feel jealousy, but that is just a feeling that happens to you, you don't DECIDE to feel jealous therefore you don't need to feel guilty over it. this is just a feeling and it will most likely pass IF you share about it or write about it in a journal or something. its one thing to feel jealous of your friends but its a whole other matter to resent them for what they have. I say as long as jealousy doesnt turn to hate you are still in a good spot. remember it is not likely your friends who threaten your safety, they are not at fault for your distress. they probably love you and will support you if you if they can. when i start to compare my life to other peoples i get a pen and paper and write down things that I am grateful for. my computer, my sister, my favorite band. or big things like i have all my fingers, two eyes, I can hear, read and I am not hungry today. I will send positive vibes for you also Jelonymous <---i made a joke