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Ani (6)

1 Name: Family? : 2017-06-24 00:41 ID:vZ7k4guw [Del]

Everyone says that your parents will always love you and stuff. Is it true? Lately, my parents started picking on me. Calling me names an stuff.Their fave child is my older sister. I wanted to tell them about my feelings towards them, but they laugh and tell me to shut my mouth.What should I do?

2 Name: Hitsuji : 2017-06-24 16:22 ID:zkrlG+Y7 [Del]

It certainly should be that way. A lot of parents end up not loving their children as much as they should, for whatever reason, but whether your parents are some of these people or not, I wouldn't know. Calling you names and putting you down could be categorized as emotional abuse depending on how bad it is, but if you feel deeply concerned about your mental health because of them, try talking to other family such as grandparents, or, if necessary, authorities.

3 Name: BlueRaven : 2017-06-25 02:18 ID:NHw+RWHB [Del]

Unconditional love does not exist, it's a lie. However, like Hitsuji said, calling you names and ignoring you trying to talk to them about how you feel is not ok. Try talking to someone- a friend, school counselor, teacher, ect. If it's too scary to speak directly to them, leave them a signed note or send them an email. (Be sure to NOT leave the impression that you are in serious, immediate danger or about to harm yourself or others. That is the only reason they might contact authorities).

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Sid : 2017-06-25 03:43 ID:xNwoG9ME [Del]

Who is everyone? I always thought my parents didnt love me, well my dad to be more specific. He always hit me and kept telling me I was less than dirt and that I'd never amount to anything. Turns out he hated his job and just took it out on us.

If you're parents call you names and pick on you they are shitty parents. But they might not think of it that way.

They might not know what to do, since I'm guessing you're starting to grow up. They might just tell you to not say anything since they might be scared of what you will say. Sort of along the lines of what my sister did to my mom, which was spitting in my mom's face and telling her she was the worst mother. My mom never abused us, she just worked late.

Also the laughing might be a way of them trying to lighten the mood.

I don't know enough about the situation, but I can tell you that nobody is truly ready to have kids either.

6 Name: Phoe!pGrannyqKc : 2017-06-25 07:51 ID:bjyZwNy9 [Del]

Honestly,i don't believe the "parents will always love you" "A mother can never hurt he child" sayings.
There are many heartless people on this planet, there are lots of parents who hurt their children, or abandon them.
However, most parents love their children unconditionally.I don't know your parents, nor do i know specifically what they did and how did they sound when talking to you, so i wouldn't be able to help much. However, from my own experience i can say that sometimes parents change, become annoying, say hurtful stuff, and suddenly they get angry and blame you for everything, if they were not like that before then it must be because of a reason.
They might be going through a hard time or something very bad might've happened (in a lot of times you won't know what happened because they won't tell) wich resulted in them acting that way, maybe they are feeling insecure, angry or pain and they don't know any other way to fell better except venting it on you.
Or they might've gotton old and they're goung through the phase of chage that people go through while they're aging, it takes over a huge part of their attitude and can even make a coldblooded person to a hypersensitive, anxious human being.
I don't know how old you are but if you're going through puberty then that's definitely something that makes things seem worse that they really are, make words hurt more that they actually do (because your hermons are not stable in that period).
You can try and keep confronting them with your feelings and try to make them understand, but the best solution is time.. Time cures everything.