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Cutting Ties (1)

1 Name: Nineball : 2017-06-17 20:53 ID:jmC0lCnu [Del]

So. I have a lot of enemies.

It all started last month, where it all just came crashing down. Every single possible way they could ever conceive, to insult, betray, and humiliate me, they did. Quite impressive.

Now, I'm not the "Quiet kid" in class, but I'm certainly not gonna lay down on it all, and in addition to the past with their antics and cruel jokes, it's enough to warrant a rejection to their arrogant faces, yeah? I think so, anyway.

For the past week, I've confronted each and every one of my friends with a (admittedly rehearsed, I'm not usually brash or outgoing in such manners) public declaration, I guess? Of how much of a **** ******* **** *** **** **TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES** they are and have always have been. To cut ties and make them my 'enemy' as I've said.

And it's worked! Granted, I have no friends, but I'd rather be like this than constantly trampled for years on end. .. And it's why I'm here, I have legit no one to talk to about this, 'cause here's my actual problem I'd like to ask advice on, if at all possible.

How do you cut ties with someone you KNOW has wronged you in the past, you saw it, you have that feeling of disgust for them, but a binding feeling remains that by all technical perspectives, I should drop my ties right here and now. I did it with everyone else, people I've spent just as long a time, or even longer than her. Something just.. Stops me. I REFUSE to play the doormat again, and fear it's just that side of me trying to pry its way back. I dunno, I meet her tomorrow as usual, and no doubt she's caught word of what I've been doing.

So, what in the hell do I do? Keep in mind she's apart of what happened last month, so she's no different, or shouldn't be any different, than the rest of my 'friends' and no, it's not love. It'd be another bajillion words you've no doubt gotten tired of reading to explain why it's not.

I'm just confused, yo. And I don't have much time. I'd appreciate another viewpoint, if you've reached the end. Sorry about that.