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Asking for opinion (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-06-16 22:19 ID:SFibp8sU [Del]

It has been 1 month after im completing my internship training which is required to complete my study. And in another 1 month i will be going to Korea for a week. Since then i help my mom around in the house. But i think she didnt like the idea because she keep asking me to search for job, on the other hand people around me encourage me to continue my study (to degree) but for me to further my study, financial would be a great wall infront of me and since my diploma debt is still a lot and i still struggling to pay back, my family keep pushing me asking what am i gonna do with my future because they afraid i will end up like my sister (she a neet)

Because my mom has put a big expectation on me while other people around me keep pushing me to search for job as soon as possible.

Fyi my other classmate are still hangout and do nothing. They say they need a break before enter adulthood.

2 Name: Chronos : 2017-06-17 00:43 ID:VYXdM58d [Del]

First: I don´t think it would be a good idea to search a job when you plan to go to Korea in 1 month. It´s better to search after your vacation. Everyone needs a break sometimes.

Second: It might be the best to finish your studies, because with well education a lot of doors will open in the future and you´ll probably get a better payed job. While studying you can do a part-time job to pay your fees.
During your intership training you can accumulate a lot of knowledge that could help you to find the right job in the future.
Tell your mother that you´ll have more chances in the future when you finished your degrees - that´s a good argument. She won´t say something against it. Parents are always worried, but if you can make them believe you´re on the right way with lots of perspectives, they will definitely support you!

Don´t let yourself be pushed in one direction. Think by yourself. It might take some time, but there is no need to hurry up. It´s better to decide by yourself instead of listening to advises that won´t fit your own thoughts. Just try to create the image that you know where you´re going and your mom won´t be too worried and you´ll have enough time to think about your future.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2017-06-18 07:05 ID:SFibp8sU [Del]

Ok update. My family keep on pressuring me about looking for job.
When i rage about my sister keep using my stuff and etc she keep saying that i have been arrogant selfish snob bastard when all i ask was to stop using my stuff as it was her own stuff because i never use her stuff.
i suspect i suffer from several depressions because of how my mom and sister keep on pestering me about work and money.
Sometimes i feel it better if i stay away from home for a couple of week but money would be a problem.
I start to lose appetite and now i feel really comfortable when i drown my face. Am i weird?