Dollars BBS | Personal
















I'm not a therapist (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-06-11 17:51 ID:giEk4Dc/ [Del]

I know an acquaintance that I've met in a game, and when he PMed me, he started telling me about his rough childhood, how people hates him in school, etc. To tell the truth, I CANNOT comfort people. It's really hard for me, and it gives me a whole lot of stress comforting someone. I still did it for his sake, he left with a "thank you" while I was just emotionally drained and tired. I really didn't want to speak again.
But then he would try to PM me more, seeking comfort while I apologize for not being there on time. I am not also comfortable with some of his rp moments: ex: "-Kisses you-" because I am not used to relationship types nor do I want to experience them again. But I can't hurt him either because he had a rough life, so I can't exactly get "rid" of him. I'm not a therapist, nor do I want "kisses". Whenever I open up the game, I am worried to see a notification on the message, see if it's makes me really anxious that I actually have a feeling of vomiting. What can I do without hurting him?

2 Name: Ren : 2017-06-11 21:09 ID:FUn9XUKZ [Del]

Hey! It's not fair that all of this is being dumped on you! I understand your need to feel as if you have to be there for this person due to their past experiences and what not but personally, I would recommend telling this person how you feel. You should never engage in anything that makes you uncomfortable. If you're not the comforting type, you're not the comforting type, you know? You don't have to say, "hey man, screw off." But instead maybe try to guide him to getting actual help and teach him to reach out to those around him and remind him that you're just one person.

It isn't your personal responsibility to try and help this guy, especially when you know it's not in you to do so. I feel as if, if this keeps happening, it'll just get worse because of your stress and overall tiredness of the situation. If you have to remove yourself from the situation then, by all means fo it! You can't take care of someone without taking care of yourself first!

At least that's my advice lol. I hope this helps, anon! And good luck~