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Helplessness (1)

1 Name: Strangeye : 2017-06-10 00:04 ID:201zMmtr [Del]

I want to start this out saying I just finished 7th grade, making me quite young for all this shit, but I go through it anyway.

I have 3 friends with depression, one of which claims to be better now but I'm not sure. The second has one reason not to commit suicide and that's cuz I said I would if she did. The third is the worst off, which is strange because he doesn't really have a good reason to be depressed. He puts himself down incredibly, hating himself for the smallest things and blaming himself for them too. The worst bit is that he's so stubborn he has actually convinced himself that those things are his fault and that he won't believe anyone telling him it's not.

This is where I come in.

I have never had depression to any degree. Making it impossible for me to relate to any of them (the rest of this story will mainly be about the last 2 I mentioned). The second one, who I will dub K always talks to me, and her boyfriend (the first one) about her issues. All I do is sit there crying for her. It's her boyfriend that actually helps her since he's able to relate. I've talked to her about how I feel terrible that I'm not able to help but then she says I do help cuz she gives me someone to talk to. I don't really see how doing that helps her so I assume she's just lying to keep me from feeling even worse, she's outrageously kind btw. This helplessness that really gets to me when I'm talking to the third one, who I'll dub A, he goes to me, K, her boyfriend, and another girl for help, he's also posted here, on the dollars. The other girl just keeps him sane, cuz she's the only normal one out of all of us. K and her boyfriend actually help, and I just yell at him to stop strangling himself.

What I want to know is if there are any other ways to help people with depression besides previously having it and being able to relate? I'd really love to know so that I won't be a worthless peice of shit.