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Insulted Hobby (5)

1 Name: Sparks : 2017-06-03 12:13 ID:CU+65zlP [Del]

So i just accepted into a new job where the company is kind of a little company. there is nothing wrong with this company, the people are good, and they are kind of supportive.
But the problem is they're a total 100% Riajuus, there is not a single soul there who like to watch anime, read manga, or even a gamer. and when i'm bored in the office, i love to check manga sites, watch some anime, or checking figure sites in my free time. when some guy pass my spot, they like yelling "you are watching hentai, aren't you!" or something like "you like this kind of stuff huh? you are an adult now, try some other hobbies that adultlike! don't let yourself play with those childish stuff".
Everytime they said this, i always let it go with a weak laugh. but deep inside, i feel like i'm kind of deeply insulted. not because of what they said, but it seems like they know everything about my hobby when in reality they didn't know about it. i'm already use most of my time to socially interact with lots of people, so shouldn't i deserves to at least have a bit fun with my hobby?.
Sorry if i became a bit emotional, but what i want to ask is, should i keep doing what i love, or i just should shut my hobby on the outside and reduce the time to have fun with it. i do want to stand up for my hobby, but everytime i do so, they always told me to being "adult". it's just do confusing for me.

2 Name: AnamisWolf : 2017-06-03 13:38 ID:fXrTYRMw [Del]

Don't let them shame you out off something you love. Their Just being assholes acting like school yard bullies. Honestly it's none of their business what you like and as long as it isn't hurting anyone or causing issues they shouldn't care. If anything them telling you that you need to be "adult like" shows their own immaturity. Cause let me tell you at 28 going on 29 years old life is too short and goes by too fast to set and worry about others opinions and there is already enough stress and pressure in life to succeed and behave a certain way to the point it is suffocating to worry about.
Just do what you love and be proud of it, and if they have a problem with it them it just shows how immature and insecure they are and how little they care to actually learn and form opinions for themselves on things. Since it obviously sounds like they just let others in mainstream media tell them and they take their words as pure fact not bothering to think that maybe the person that wrote the artificial with that power and way over to influence people's options could be bais and have an anti anime agenda or just be a troll that happens to have a job in that industry and is abusing it for fun. Over all people are assholes and need to mind their own business.
After all I am certain at least one person is probably looking at actual porn if not something totally illegal there in the office in secret, so they should keep their mouths shut cause everyone has their own hobbies and dirty pleasures and I'm sure some of them are also "childish" in a way that could be even considered more childish then anime in secret themselves and most are just to ashamed to admit it and jealous that you don't seem to be so their trying to make you feel so.

(P.s. Though, if you can use your cellphone(if you have one) to look up anime stuff only instead because looking up non work related stuff on company computers can get you in trouble to be safe though if possible.)

3 Name: Sparks : 2017-06-04 04:09 ID:CU+65zlP [Del]

Thanks for your reply, your reply make me feel much better, and i will try to stand for it. oh by the way, i'm kinda forgot to said that i do looking up anime stuff on my phone, and the moment they pass my desk, they will starts to trash talk about it.

4 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-06-04 11:28 ID:kCXXDlHv [Del]

>>3 what >>2 said

only slight suggestion is not to look at that stuff at work, or at lest keep it to computer games websites and some youtuber channels, then you wont have to put up with them acting like dicks as much when using the computer,

also remember there is always a bit of piss taking that will happen in a work place and especially in a small company, so don't take it too seriously, if you see them doing or saying something stupid just take the piss right.

5 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2017-06-04 12:47 ID:wGWTZppy [Del]

Yo I say just do you.If you love it then keep doing it, but maybe just not use a computer in a work cubicle to indulge yourself haha. Use your phone instead and just tell those guys to politely "Go Fuck Themselves." ITs your hobby, don't be ashamed of it, but keep in mind at you're at work, its not really the time or place for stuff like that, because you are in a professional capacity. Only really at lunch time, in which case tell those guys to polite "Go Fuck Themselves."
Be Breezy