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Something stupid. (4)

1 Name: Ch : 2017-05-31 18:03 ID:4Mjxic54 [Del]

Hey guys,
I get that I haven't been here in a long long time due to some stress that has been overwhelming to me since I first started my junior year of high school, I have been trying to talk to my family and friends about this problem but I just don't have the guts to do it. Anyway I don't need anything I just want to post how I'm feeling to get it out of my system and breathe a little bit. I have Anxiety since I was 11 which is not long ago, I have a dream just like everyone (a dream that is overwhelming to me) I tend to push myself further so much to the point where I have to lay down and try to catch my breath some of you might say I'm a bit overly dramatic, however those of you who suffer from this well you understand. I have been going to work on weekends and every Sunday I'm stuck in my desk finishing my homework, I get good grades and I'm a pretty well behaved student...but I feel stupid and I suck at math (literally) I cry over every petty stress in my life and I'm too tired in the morning to even walk. My parents are always asking me why I don't go out with friends like any other teenager, that's because I'm not like any other teenager I avoid my friends outside of school because I'm embarrassed of myself of what I'll say or what I'll do... that will make them change their minds about me. I have a good GPA but I was still stupid enough to get a low score on the SAT and who the hell knows if I'll be accepted into college. I walk into school hallways and every conversation automatically I make it about me, and get this is was even stupid enough to think this guy liked me XD. I don't need anything just comment if you have ever felt the same way...just so I know I'm not completely on my own when it comes to this.
Thank you.

2 Name: 工藤 海斗♠ : 2017-06-01 07:12 ID:4DopULWa [Del]

Do u consider yourself as an introvert? I believe many introverts, myself included, go through phases of self reflection and maybe depression. We pick up too much frm our surroundings and as a result, overthink. You'll need to clear your mind, free yourself frm your troubles. Do your favourite activities. Make sure u hv something to live for~

3 Name: Hitsuji : 2017-06-03 21:07 ID:zkrlG+Y7 [Del]

I have a very similar situation. I just finished my junior year of high school, and it was tough. One of the hardest years of my life. I'm putting this here for your sake, hoping it will help, I don't really share this very often.
At the start of the school year my dad was in the hospital for attempted suicide. I was struggling, I had just moved to a new school, didn't really know anybody, and have had social anxiety for a couple years. I tried to fit in, but due to my social anxiety and low self esteem, it was hard.
I struggled with this for the first week, until a girl came along and helped me through the next week. She was nice to me, unlike pretty much everyone else I had met, and I started to grow feelings for her. I asked her out, and she rejected me. I didn't know what to do. My beacon of hope was put out just like that. I sunk into a deeper depression for the next few months. I started doing poorly on tests, getting lower grades than ever before, and I lacked motivation to bring them back up.
After the first semester I started to realize I was having a problem. I learned symptoms of depression in my psychology class, and realized I wasn't losing it, I was suffering from a mental illness. I got counseling, and I started to slowly improve. I was happier, but my anxiety still remains. I've gotten my grades up to where they were before, and my GPA didn't suffer too much from that semester. Yet I still can't manage to make good friends in my school. I'm out for the summer, and I have friends from before I developed social anxiety, but going to school, even the few friends I have managed to make, I was always afraid they didn't really like me, and any wrong move could end the friendship.
It's hard, I fear a lot of my friends abandoning me because of my poor social skills, and strange behaviors. I get down on myself for that low performance level that first semester, and I burn myself out trying to prove to myself I can do better.
Sorry if this was a long comment, and I hope it helps in some way. If you want more help, feel free to email me @

4 Name: Kye : 2017-06-04 13:06 ID:KPAoiD6V [Del]

its more common than you'd think i was the same when i was in secondary ed ( i think that's high school for you guys) i was the same i over stressed and over thought about what everyone around me thought of me, i didnt go out and got the complaints from parents about how i wasnt a "normal teenager", to which i simply replied "normal is boring its way more fun to be anything but normal" , everyone just needs time to come out of their shell you'll eventually find what your way having people you can depend upon helps

its a hard time but it can get easier i'm in uni now and i tend to revert to some bad habits of my younger years but i have people who i can depend on and people and depend on me and get this some look up to me, the silent kid who everyone though was weird and wouldn't amount to anything is doing better than everyone who put them down

find something you're good at and stick to it, don't let others put you down, dont care about the what ifs should-haves or if onlys.

in short proving people wrong is one of the best confidence boosters you can ever have and once you grasp that feeling nothing can ever bring you down again