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Really scared (5)

1 Name: Yasu&Kaoi !0UZD1OR/j. : 2017-05-31 16:52 ID:giEk4Dc/ [Del]

So I had a math tutor last year, and she has come around to tutor both my brother and I to help us with math grades. (I had a horrible school that hardly taught anything before, when I moved to someplace else, I didn't know how to divide nor multiply decimals.) She did help my grades boost up and learn much more things than my class's level, but she SCARES ME SO MUCH. I get extremely anxious every minute or second she arrives, and as she brings my brother and his friend to tutor up first, I can feel nothing but anxiety boiling upon me in which I think that I'm next by the next hour. They're always laughing and talking to each other, no silence fills the room, but when I'm next, it's nothing like that. She snaps at me if I forget a little problem or formula, yells at me, treats me like a kid if forget something really simple, and yells (I cry. a lot). When I don't fail to remember, it would be silence fogging the room and her either watching me solve problems or looking at the computer to search up new ideas. Before school ended, she stopped teaching us because of an activity. I don't know how much pleased and joyful I was..I was so glad. However, by the time vacation arrived, she would be tutoring us again by next week. I'm so scared, anxious, and stressed. I have to face that all over again. It might not be a big deal to you guys, but it is to me. Can anyone give me advice for anything? Thank you for listening to this..

2 Name: { } : 2017-05-31 22:42 ID:jY7bHGIJ [Del]

One approach could be to try to learn the material she covers with you before she actually comes to teach you. That way when she actually comes to tutor you, it'll all mostly be review and you might feel more in control of the situation since you know what you're doing.

But that could be a potentially hard option since I know math sucks >.> So if that doesn't work maybe ask your brother how he handles her? Or see if you can be tutored with one of your friends present so you don't have to face her alone? Or at the very least, remember that she is human as well. She may seem outwardly scary, but she's made of the same flesh and blood as any other human. Hopefully thinking of her like that will make her a bit easier to approach.

3 Name: randonym !7V/FDjp0Gs : 2017-06-01 06:00 ID:eU+IW8l7 [Del]

tbh i'd say ask a parent that you'd rather not have this tutor, and explain why? Her biased treatment of you is not something teachers should do, and at least she should give good feedback when you do well or make progress. She sounds unnecessarily mean right now. :/

If seeking a different tutor who might be better for you doesn't seem possible, then yeah, follow post above? Having someone else with you, learning/reviewing beforehand, etc.

Trying to learn under heavy anxiety sucks, but if you still gotta get through it, pull all the tricks to be prepared, take deep breaths, and remind yourself it's for your own good to get smarter, and the sooner you get it, the sooner you wont need a tutor.

weird tip: think of her yelling as her being loudly and urgently worried for you and your grades. All teachers on some level genuinely want you to learn more, even if by any means possible.

(that or yell back and become such a problem student that she doesn't -want- to tutor you anymore imeanwat no don't do this. bad.
(real version of this advice: confront her yourself calmly, with hopes of actually connecting to her inner human))

4 Name: caramellz~ : 2017-06-01 06:37 ID:4DopULWa [Del]

I kind of understand how u feel :(

But try to be optimistic, all those lectures might help u in the future. One day when u look back, you'll be thinking 'I'm glad I had this tutor'...

Could it be that the tutor has been teaching your brother for a longer period of time, compared to u? If that's the case I can see why she's more strict with u... once you've been accustomed to her way of teaching she'll open up to u, just like yr brother~

If u find your tutor's attitude towards u really disturbing, tell your parents, I'm sure they'll listen to u and prolly do something to help.

5 Name: Yasu&Kaoi !0UZD1OR/j. : 2017-06-01 15:49 ID:giEk4Dc/ [Del]

Thank you for all your responses..they do help, especially with anxiety. However, my parents and family already know that I'm scared of the tutor, but doesn't really care because all she needs to do is teach good (Thinks it's okay to scold too). I don't have any friends present because of the fact that my parents isn't close with any of their parents, and my brother's friend's parent, she is very close with. With my brother, he and his friends are more outgoing, and I recall that his friend has been with the tutor before as a child. He does not help a lot either because he only gives advice of changing my personality instead lol.

But yes, this helped a lot. I might be able to handle her a little with those tips..I will try my best >_< (Now to learn how to stop crying so easily...)