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not doing what i suppose to do. (11)

1 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-05-28 09:08 ID:zEIw7YBh [Del]

i always had this problem of not doing what i suppose to do. whether i became lazy and neglect my work or procrastinate again and again. my reality doesnt match my imagination(realistic). well, any of you have that problem? any advice?

2 Name: Kisuke : 2017-05-28 11:37 ID:kU1/RBc7 [Del]

I wrote an article dealing with procrastination once. Sometimes the misconception with it is that people who procrastinate are just lazy or aren't motivated, but actually procrastination is really a stress reliever believe it or not. It's a tool your brain uses to eliminate stress since when it sees a task at hand and is aware of how much time and effort has to be put in on top of everything else they have to do in life, it chooses to ignore the task altogether and focus on something else. I think understanding that makes you feel better about it since it doesn't necessarily mean you're just lazy, but just stressed. So, sometimes just getting started on your assignment/task/whatever it is and not letting it stress you out, but just doing it little by little helps out. If that makes sense.

3 Name: TIm-Tam : 2017-05-28 14:43 ID:EcOteqr8 [Del]

Never thought about it being stress! Do you have a link to your article? I would be very interested

4 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-05-28 16:33 ID:2/OxRz1f [Del]

>>2 Thank you for your reply, it does make sense and I understand. >>3 and me too, is there a link for the article?

5 Name: TIm-Tam : 2017-05-28 17:30 ID:0+1O3QLT [Del]

>>4 I was not home when I replied earlier but as you can guess I have the same problem. I find that setting a timer helps, set it for 30 mins and try and get as much don in that time as possible- I feel that it helps (well if you can get yourself to do it :S)

6 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-05-28 23:23 ID:1wAJqsOh [Del]

>>5 Oh, thanks for the advice. I"ll be doing that often I guess.

7 Name: Kisuke : 2017-05-29 11:11 ID:kU1/RBc7 [Del]

I don't have a link at the moment. Gotta get it published with better clients first.
I do got a helpful video about it though:

8 Name: Hitsuji : 2017-05-29 15:11 ID:zkrlG+Y7 [Del]

I have pretty much the same problem. What works for me is reminding myself I have things I have to get done, and while I still get extremely distracted, I am able to get what I need to done. I'm still working on it, as I am far from perfect at getting where I want to be, but just remember, your actions reflect what is truly important to you. It may be cat videos on the internet. It may be running. Whatever it is, you'll do it more than other stuff. So make work and goals important to you.

9 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-05-29 16:06 ID:P1ux7NA6 [Del]

>>7 oh thats fine. thanks for sharing.
>>8 great advice, thank you. will be working on that.

10 Name: TIm-Tam : 2017-05-30 16:16 ID:0+1O3QLT [Del]

check out something called EFT it seems to be really helpful, I am trying it myself ATM

11 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-06-02 14:49 ID:N6yCpnjf [Del]

>>10 oh ok, thanks for the suggestions.