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I want to apologize (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2017-05-25 15:32 ID:giEk4Dc/ [Del]

I had a fight or somewhat, an angry response with a friend who I haven't talked with for 1 year. I know, I was really immature back then, I was mean, awful, so you probably won't forgive me. I already blocked off their contacts, and if I do unblock, it feels as if they would see that I did that, and, I don't know..laugh at me? But I want to smile with them, eat with them, play with them, share our interests, and start over again. But I'm so scared, and this was all because I pretended to be someone else, a shrewd monster. I want to unblock them and text them that I'm sorry so much, but now I can't. Hasn't it already been an year? If lives had checkpoints, it would be so much easier..I held in my feelings this year anyways.

2 Name: Chiave : 2017-05-26 09:53 ID:bS3Dgo+n [Del]

This once happened to me. I was really mean to a girl during elementary school cause I was an idiot and now I really regret it and wish to apologize. Unfortunately, you can't go back in time and prevent stupid mistakes but you can right wrongs. Even if they don't accept the apology, at least let them know that you're sorry. I think it's rather noble to conquer your pride and apologize (something I've never had the courage to do). Unblock them and tell them that you regret what happened, that you're truly sorry and you wish to start over again. Even if they laugh at you (which is highly unlikely) at least know that you are a better person than the one from before. The main thing is that you know that you aren't the same person from the past and if they can't see that, then it's their loss. Continue on with life and move on knowing that you don't regret not ever apologizing to them. Good luck!