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Problems (8)

1 Name: Ani : 2017-05-24 02:20 ID:M/iPJRv2 [Del]

I've recently got hurt(and depressed) by this really mean popular girl.It all started at pe.My class had to put the equipment away.My left arm is injured so I had to carry the equipment with one hand.She purposely pushed me and I hit my left hand really hard on the metal bar ;-; My arm feels numb.I told my mum about this and she told me that I was just too careless.I knew that she doesn't care and all.I'm stressed and all that and she suddenly told me that my attitude was stupid and that I could go out of the house if I wanted to.That made me really mad and sad.Idk why though.She doesn't know what I have been going through and I really want to stop existing.. I want to tell my mum but she never listens.She only listens to my sister.What should I do??

2 Name: Eclipse : 2017-05-24 08:06 ID:TxDUm512 [Del]

I would recommend going to the school councilor to better aid you. Literally just have her call your parent in and talk to them both about it. If your other arm is hurt or injured I would also recommend pressing charges against the girl who shoved you.

3 Name: Ani : 2017-05-24 14:39 ID:a9Pl2lCZ [Del]

Ok.Thank you soo much for replying.I shall try your advice.Thx ^^

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: lordjashin : 2017-05-25 11:55 ID:zw/CusXw [Del]

Give me this girls info.. people like her are useless to the western world. popular,shes just a sheep.. you should bash her head in with a hammer

6 Name: ArnavG : 2017-05-25 21:41 ID:Du8PpkAx [Del]

I want do die too, but it won't help anyone, it will only give your enemies a gain.

7 Name: Chiave : 2017-05-26 09:45 ID:bS3Dgo+n [Del]

If you mom doesn't listen to you, find someone you trust and ask them for advice. This could be another guardian, close family member like an aunt or grandmother, a teacher, or a close friend. I find it that friends are good to confined in because they have a higher chance at understanding you and what you're going through. If you have depression, I would suggest you to spend most of your time around others. Go out and enjoy the world! My dad once had depression and he said that the thing that kept him from suicide was being around others. It isn't good for you to just be by yourself, which leaves you alone with your thoughts. Hopefully this helps!

8 Name: RinaK : 2017-05-26 14:10 ID:LCgv94X+ [Del]

I'm sorry that you're going through this. Just know that you're not alone and that it will get better. Things might feel hopeless now, but they won't be that way forever. Like Chiave said, be around other people that trust and care about. And talk to people! Even if it's just on here, talking about your feelings and problems will make you feel so much better! I can't understand your exact situation, but I know what it feels like to not want to exist. And I know that there is nothing that seems fun right now, but maybe there's something in the future that you can be excited about! Maybe make a list of things that you would like to do at some point, like going to an amusement park or seeing a movie that's coming out in a month. I promise you, life will get better. You aren't alone. And about your arm - if it's injured, is there any way to get a doctor's note that will excuse you from PE? You shouldn't be playing sports if you're injured. Talk to people you trust, find fun things to do, socialize, and just know that you aren't alone. Life will get better; trust me!