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Please help me (5)

1 Name: ArnavG : 2017-05-13 10:33 ID:+TAV0fzS [Del]

I got rejected by someone I liked for 2 years, I've tried to kill myself 2 times but failed, my friends support me but it's not enough, i feel unloved. I fight with my parents all the time and I feel like a piece of shit. Sometimes I think if I killed myself it would only make the world better. I am considered, "annoying and a bitch," At my school. I wanna end it all now. What do I do?

2 Name: Strangeye : 2017-05-13 10:47 ID:201zMmtr [Del]

Savor the bits of life where you're happier. Maybe when you're out with friends or something. Rely on your friends. Talk to them. Let them help.

3 Name: Mowerblade!BsXraypWpE : 2017-05-13 13:56 ID:pkHkBQ7F [Del]

Don't rely on others to make you happy.
Don't make the same mistake again

For further info though, I'd just give in and contact the suicide hotline or some shit.

4 Name: AA : 2017-05-14 12:32 ID:3uM60VNS [Del]

Take your time with life and surround yourself with hobbies. There are people that like you out there, you just have to find them. Take your time and find things that make you forget about life. Reading helps you join another world, art helps you to remember to try and try again, exercise makes you feel accomplished, and simply watching things online helps you forget where you are. I hope that this helped.

5 Name: M : 2017-05-15 15:18 ID:3U4St9N7 [Del]

We are all human, we are not perfect so we do have our pros and cons but don't let any negativity get to you no matter what and how hard it is. There may have been bad times and memories but if you killed yourself think of the people you met that care about you and the good memories you made. The world would have been different if you were not here, somewhere out there are people out there who care. I was rejected 3 times and cheated on three times, i was desperate not to date but i did not to want have the pain so being rejected made me lose hope and that i felt there was no point in me living, nothing good would ever happen, every small mistake i made i blamed myself. I get in fights with my parents as well. Go to your friends for help but if not the only person who knows you the most is yourself so it is up to you to pick yourself up and keep fighting, focus on your life and yours only and benefit from that. It will be tough and hard but I have faith in you.