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Help (2)

1 Name: Anon : 2017-05-10 22:21 ID:aUGlkehH [Del]

So here's the story. recently ive felt really depressed, like reeeeaaaaalllly depressed, like bad thoughts depressed. So anyways im really sad, and angry, and all that jazz. But this has happened before, and ive gotten through it. but what's been making this worse is the crap my peers do to me. Im a lacrosse player, and a lot of people dont like the sport, but my classmates have been making fun of me for it for the past cople years and it's gotten worse the past couple months.It's basically bullying. and on top of that, i like this girl. but she found out, and told me she didnt share the same feelings as i did. thats completely fine with me becasue we are really close freinds. But then i find out my best friend is dating her. so im sad from that. then my freind tells me that he had sexual relations with her that day.and that kinda threw me over the edge. today i almost hurt myself. I don't want pity, i just want something i can do to feel better.

2 Name: Red Melody : 2017-05-11 12:13 ID:mcuBSNjX [Del]

This is my way of getting over sad stuff. I usually go on youtube and watch funny videos or I do the things that I find happiness in. If you love to play lacrosse, continue playing it and the day you become a pro, you'll be the one laughing. Also, about the girl, you can always find another, an even kinder one too. You can even go out and find new people to hang out with, ones that will stick up and stand by you. But for something to do, try funny videos lol