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Im scared to fall in love.. (7)

1 Name: Scout : 2017-05-09 00:58 ID:gEsGe8bT [Del]

I've recently gotten out of a relationship that people I've told about have deemed "emotionally abusive". This person, who we can call H, had made me feel less than human at times, mocking me, saying he'd kill himself without me, and more. One time he had told me through text that he was going to kill himself and that I had sixty seconds to convince him not to, and as I'm typing through tears, he's counting down so nonchalantly. It seemed that he never actually cared about how I felt in situations. Recently though, H broke up with me, and I was very glad. Unfortunately I have a NEW problem. I'm terrified to be in a relationship now. Everything H did, what he said, it drove me to such extremes at times. I don't want to go through that again. Also, there's the thought that if I somehow get in a relationship with someone, and we break up, it will ruin the friendship we had before. I will yet again plummet down some hole of despair. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I want to be able to love, but I'm just scared...

2 Name: ImYourFriend : 2017-05-09 01:21 ID:yauEsaG6 [Del]

Don't let that get you down. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance (But not H because he was cruelly using you to satisfy his godamn ego)

Honestly, you deserve a second chance. Don't let H take you down. You have to have confidence in yourself sis. Everyone had this before, and some knows how you feel. Dollar's are by your side. ^.^

Dont let him take you down.

3 Name: Heresor : 2017-05-09 02:32 ID:xKtX1A6L [Del]

Honestly, all I can tell you is that people are different. Just because you had an emotionally abusive boyfriend doesn´t mean your next one will be like that as well. Maybe if you are careful with your choice you will find the right one for you :) so far all you can to is getting to know people and listening to your friends when they tell you that your relationship isn´t healthy.

4 Name: Din : 2017-05-09 14:55 ID:YLYT6zlT [Del]

Hey! :)
Honestly, this sounds awful. But remember if he was the one person who made you feel this bad, then you can be sure that you should try to give others a chance! Because you never know who's next. Otherwise you'll maybe miss the chance of having a relationship that makes you feel good. :) There could be someone who will make you feel amazing, like it should be. So never give up, and keep on searching. Don't let this fear take you down. You can do it I'm 100% sure.

5 Name: marx : 2017-05-11 13:00 ID:bnjMjo8t [Del]

dont be in a relationshaft

6 Name: Anonymous : 2017-05-11 13:21 ID:BVCYQLPn [Del]

I see this again an again Good thing you got out of it the girls I've seen in those relationships become cat ladys an the guys referring to me only get hard for hentati in anime the girls are sweet reel life sea hags screaming at you i know i ws no help have a nice day

7 Name: just me : 2017-05-13 08:37 ID:EtDoi4tX [Del]

I think i understand what you're feeling, for my part i'm always afraid of the reactions of peoples, but i think it's not cause you were with someone who acted bad and wasn't nice to you that there is not going to be someone who will really love you from all his heart and will respect you, some poeples can be assholes, but it's not a majority of the world ^^ All i can tell you is to try to trust in poeples, generally they won't be assholes, and if they really love you, they will never want to see you cry even not seing you feel bad, if someone say to you he loves you, but then he's just terrible with you, then he don't really love you, he just want to take advantage of you and of what a good person like you could give him, without caring about the repercussions wich could happen to you. If you ever feel like someone who "love" you just hurt you, then try to let him down, try to be able to turn over and meet other poeple, poeples that really deserves you and who gives you back the love you send ^^ Also if someone blame you for something that happend, just take a time to think about it and be sure he don't just manipulate you, many poeple can just blame you for things that you're absolutaly not responsive of. Try to be able to distinguish the truth in poeple speech... I know this post is quiet long that my english is not parfect and that saying all those things is much easier then doing them, but here is my advice, trust poeple but whene you feel they are abusive with you, think two times before trusting what they say, be sure they are not trying to manipulate you... I really hope you'll be able to love poeples again, and i hope you'll find someone as great as you are ( cause yes, you are a great person ^^ ) Good luck :)