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No one out there for me? (10)

1 Name: Lionheart : 2017-05-06 00:30 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Hey guys. Yeah, contrary to my handle I do complain quite a bit lol. But anyway. This is about love. For me, I tried talking to girls and trying to go further than merely talking on the phone. But they either dodge it or make up excuses as to why we can't be together. So about a month ago, I just gave up. I know, my handle is different from giving up, but even the greatest leaders and warriors knew when to throw in the towel and that's what I'm doing. I genuinely feel that there is no one out there for me. I mean I am only 22, but still. I'm tired of chasing after something, or someone rather, that probably doesn't and shouldn't exist for me. I am tired of comparing myself to my little brother and my friends who get girls left and right while I spend my nights alone. And yes, I do ask them for advice and they try to hook me up but to no avail. But the thing I'm tired the most of is these girls using up hours upon hours of my time texting and talking to just saying no.
I know this complaing is very unfitting for a handle like Lionheart, but I need some advice. Is there truly no one special for me out there?

2 Name: Mowerblade!BsXraypWpE : 2017-05-06 01:55 ID:pkHkBQ7F [Del]

Well Lionheart.
First off let's get the fact that there are MILLIONS of people out there.

Second, last I heard (and this is internet stuff so be prepared for this to be BS) women outnumber men 4/1

This is definitely a good time for dudes (sort of; you have to remember that the rise of feminazis among other things and the destruction of actual feminism fucked over a lot of people, mostly women)

Now, that out of the way.
Let's look at you. No I don't mean physically, I mean your personality and traits.
You just have to not be an ass, be capable of being gainfully employed, and actually give a shit.
That's all the qualification you need.
Now, I can't promise that your future girlfriend isn't waiting oh I don't know, UKRAINE or some shit.
I just promise you that wether you find her or not, she's out there as long as you meet the requirements.
If not then you're fucked man. Good luck. I'm sure there's some box under an overpass for you.

Anyways, this shit aside a lot of chicks date to hang out with people, not to date for the benefits. If that's what you're after there are hookers for that.
Best of luck to you man.

3 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-05-06 05:09 ID:eXVTwucl [Del]

Try to find other things beside dating girls and let it come to you naturally. If it feels forced to a girl, who isn't into one night stands, she would most likely bail out. To her it would feel her as if you are just looking for a partner/fuck friend so you aren't alone (at night) and not for a serious relationship. Honestly, if they are getting so many girls the girls they date are most likely bitch material and not true women who are worth it. Yes, I make a difference between girls/bitches, who just like to play with people and have fun and woman, who are mature people and true relationship material.

So my advice would be to stop comparing you to others since everyone is unique in their own way (unless you are blind cattle that follows everyone and every new trend just to be cool), concentrating on your hobbies and only talking to girls, when it feels naturally.

4 Name: Lionheart : 2017-05-06 09:43 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

>>2 I do want a relationship, not just something I can hire a hooker for.
>>3 I always say I need to stop comparing myself to others, yet I always do lol. But one thing I hate the most is the texting gams. It's okayish at first, but then it just becomes annoying.

5 Name: Heresor : 2017-05-06 19:41 ID:+KLkUoho [Del]

I pretty much know how you feel. My brother is a womanizer and I envy him a bit. But I´ve come to terms with that we are different personalities. When I worked on asking a girl out, it gave me a huge boost in self image, since I never really 'worked' on it. Don´t just wait for it to happen. Most girls won´t do the first move. Ask a girl with similar interests out. I know it´s hard, but it´s worth it.

6 Name: Lionheart : 2017-05-07 22:44 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

>>5 How did you work on it? Also, I don't really have anyone that can potentially be asked out by me. They either have boyfriends or are just not into me.

7 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2017-05-08 20:50 ID:uZ8gyDW3 [Del]

im a girl and also 22 and haven't been in a serious relationship. the way I see it is if it is meant to be it will be. You cant force a connection or love it just happens and often times it happens when you least expect it so I just focus on other things like graduating college and doing things I love. so my advice is to focus on you and everything will fall into place

8 Name: ImYourFriend : 2017-05-09 01:23 ID:yauEsaG6 [Del]

we all are different. You could try take it slow. Sounds to me that you're rushing big guy

9 Name: Heresor : 2017-05-09 02:27 ID:xKtX1A6L [Del]

>>6 We were in the same college class, so I sat down next to her and socialized. We spent more time together as the year went on and after a quarter of a year I asked her if she was willing to go out with me. Even as she turned me down I was proud that I had the courage to ask a girl out.

10 Name: Lionheart : 2017-05-13 00:43 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Thanks guys. Now my issue actually finding a girl. Truth be told, the only female friends I have are my friends' girlfriends and they rarely introduce to their friends, who are either in relationships or just have no interest in me. I tried dating sites, but they didn't work out. I don't know where to look really.