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How can I stop caring about how someone looks? (6)

1 Name: Tarquin : 2017-05-03 12:08 ID:bwJ51zRZ [Del]

I'll say it now, I feel like a dick for thinking like this. There's this guy I met a couple months ago and we've gotten really close, to the point where we want to start dating. Every single time I see him though and we talk, I always have some trigger about how his body looks and it makes me feel weird. I like him a lot for who he is and I want to get this whole thing of how he looks out of my head. Anybody have advice?

2 Name: Heresor : 2017-05-03 16:31 ID:Ye9AZq+V [Del]

What is that you think about his body? Do you have the urge to remark his good looks, even though you donĀ“t want to reduce him on his exterior? Or is he disfigured in some way, that make you feel uncomfortable, but you like him anyway?

3 Name: Akako : 2017-05-04 11:55 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

What >>2 said, if you just find him physically attractive thats nothing bad. He will probably just be glad to hear that.

In case its the other option: Well, you cant really do anything about not liking someone's looks. The only thing that could solve it is time, but I wouldnt rely on it.

You should probably tell him either way if you are that close.

4 Name: Tarquin : 2017-05-04 16:41 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]

To both of you, it's that his looks get to me in the negative way. His face is attractive but his body isn't the best. I like him for who he is and I want to get past his looks without offending him.

5 Name: Heresor : 2017-05-04 22:28 ID:e4pCcu+K [Del]

Does he tend to be easily offended? Well, I think if you explain to him how you feel about his looks he might invite you to work out with him. Or you can offer the same. Or maybe you grow to like him more because of his personality, so you overlook how his body looks like. An ugly face is hard to fix, an ugly body was easier.

6 Name: Akako : 2017-05-05 02:51 ID:EnKdM+iO [Del]

I would say the same as >>5