Dollars BBS | Personal
















i don't even know (2)

1 Name: kanra : 2017-05-01 20:55 ID:lXeTNRkB [Del]

I'm not sure why im writing this. All i know is that i need to get out all my stupid little problems. First, why am i socially retarded? I literally don't know how to make friends, how to talk to people and hold conversations. All the friends i have i know through other people and im only really close and can priperly talk to 3 people. Second, it's been 17 years and ive only made out with a few people and it alwasy been in a friend way because we were drunk. Ive never had a boyfriend and that's mostly my fault, because i wasn't attracted to the few people that were attracted to me. The type of guys i like are always the ones least likely to like me back. I just want to experienxe that cliche teenage life even for a bit but im turning 18 in 4 months and i feel like its already too late for that. Third, my self hate issues are too much. I literally cant stand lpoking at myself but i dont have the will to actually do something about it and the reason for that is just hilarious, if i change something abiut myself people will notice, and i dont want to be noticed by people so i just dont change... i dont know, sorry im taking up space with my small problems but if anyone has anything to say id appreciate it because by this point im so tired i just wanna give up...

2 Name: Heresor : 2017-05-01 22:07 ID:svJkMNCz [Del]

There are many people with social anxiety, myself included. I can´t approach others either, let alone girls. I always fear I´m a nuisance to others. But I have made the experiance, that when I meet people over friends, or online. So in any way that is affirmative of my personality, I´m generally liked. I think it might be the same with you. Two years ago I felt the same, and it will pass. Don´t worry :) If you try your best, and are true with yourself, people will like you. Even if you don´t see it.