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Acne (12)

1 Name: RoseCandy : 2017-04-30 12:18 ID:aEYTg05E [Del]

Well my father just casually got done yelling at me about how ugly I am with my acne and how I'm not doing anything to treat it.. Anyone in the U.S know decently priced products or personal remedies that work for them personally..?

2 Name: red. : 2017-04-30 13:12 ID:30nAW3t0 [Del]

Google says to "Put Aloe Vera Gel On Your Face to Get Rid Of Pimples." I hope this works for you and also you shouldnt listen to your father... he seems rude.. (sorry)

3 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-04-30 16:27 ID:LxMHK6xK [Del]

Your dad sounds like an asshole. Kids can't magically pull treatments out of their ass without an outsider's help. If he has a problem with it, he should be footing the bill to take you to a dermatologist. They can find out exactly what type(s) of acne you have (if any -- some rashes act similar) and decide the best way to treat it depending on your situation.

I had serious acne when I was younger. It's important to get it treated as soon as possible; it can scar permanently. Here's some tips -----v (not a doctor, this isn't medical advice, consult your doctor before treating anything, don't sue me, etc.)

If your acne is just hormonal, there's pretty much nothing you can do without medication until you're past puberty. (Your name sounds feminine. Are you female? Hormonal acne gets worse around your period, especially right before it starts, and is centered around your chin more than your cheeks.)

If your acne is also hygiene related, there are some small things you can do to help:

1) If it's around your cheeks and/or on your back, start washing your sheets / blankets / pillow cases more often. (Shower at night instead of the morning so you're leaving less dirt in them. Do a splash of cold water at the end to close off the pores.)

2) If it's around the edge of your face or sides of your neck, start washing your hair more often. Leave a towel between your hair and skin while it's drying.

3) If it's everywhere and the above don't help, start moisturizing daily (possible multiple times per day). Make sure your moisturizer says it's "non-comedogenic" -- this means it doesn't have any skin-clogging oils in it. Don't use natural oils on your skin if you're prone to acne, either (like coconut oils, etc), as they can have the opposite effect on us.

4) If it's in tight areas (next to the nose, around the ears, under the lips, under the chin, between the thighs, in the armpits, etc.) or where you personally tend to sweat a lot, you may need to drink more water and/or keep a cleaner towel around when exercising to wipe off the excess. Acne from sweat also implies you're sweating oil more than water -- you may need to cut a bit of fat and salt out of your diet.

You may also be in a bad environment in general (smog, home smokers, fast food job, etc.). Try to keep the air in your own private areas clean when possible, then wear an oil-free foundation when spending time elsewhere. It'll help keep debris in the air from soaking into your skin.

Keep an eye on your diet as well. You may be mildly allergic to things like milk or peanuts without realizing it. If your acne gets worse within a few days of after having something like that in excess, it's probably a trigger food you need to cut back on. (There are ways to get this checked. A dermatologist may order allergy tests if they suspect it to be the cause.)

There's also illnesses that can cause acne by affecting the immune system or causing a buildup of sweat deeper inside the pores, etc. Sometime's it's just stubborn. Be aware that, even if you can't beat it and it does scar, there are products and treatments that can help heal them later in life. It's just better to treat what you can now instead of doing damage control later.

Good luck. Sorry you're stuck with a dick dad. And trust me, acne isn't a big deal beauty wise. People may make fun of it, but it'll never hide a pretty face.

(PS: Makeup talk? I recommend a kabuki-style brush to get even foundation coverage over/around acne. Try to find a mousse foundation if possible; powders and liquids tends to look odd on acne, and high-coverage ones feel too heavy. This one's great and cheap. I haven't found a decently primer that works well without costing a fortune, sorry, but be aware that green/tinting primers rarely work on acne. They're more for rosacea.)

4 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-04-30 16:57 ID:LxMHK6xK [Del]

>>3 (lots of typos, I know, but I don't feel like fixing them right now. At least it's readable lol)

5 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2017-04-30 17:09 ID:pVm0lfzw [Del]

clean and clear works for me but i have very dry skin and only use it as a spot treatment. If you want to use natural stuff i recommend lemon juice and honey. Also washing your face daily (twice a day) and applying face lotion helps keep your skin healthy

6 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-04-30 18:05 ID:LxMHK6xK [Del]

(this isn't medical advice, talk to your doctor before starting any treatment, don't sue me, etc.)

Tips to OP about >>5 Honey has a strong dehydrating effect, and lemon juice is a mild acid. IMO no one should use these (neither together nor alone) unless they have a strong moisturizer with medicated properties to heal the skin afterwards. They're at risk for drier skin (honey) that's more prone to scars (lemon) if the combo is used too often.

Be sure to use a non-comedogenic sunscreen when going out if doing any skin treatment like that, especially if any acid or steroid is involved. They can thin your skin and make you more prone to hyperpigmentation from sun exposure. That's why you're supposed to do them at night and spend the next day indoors.

Honey and lemon do help clear what's already there. Honey is an anti-septic (like rubbing alcohol) that seeps into pours and helps to break down bacteria. Lemon also has mild anti-septic effects, but the acid in it is what helps -- it subtly lightens the skin, including dark spots resulting from acne, and helps exfoliate dead skin away. But it shouldn't be used on open wounds.

Don't use a separate exfoliant alongside an acid or steroid treatment, or even in the same week. Scarring can occur even without sun exposure in delicate skin.

On the note of brand products: I found Proactiv to mostly be a scam, except... their "Daily Oil Control" product is a godsend. It takes a few applications but is a great mild moisturizer that deters acne recurrence after you've gotten the main stuff under control. (Not sure how much it costs; I've been whittling away at some that came with a kit a friend gave me years ago. Started using it again recently.)

7 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-04-30 18:18 ID:LxMHK6xK [Del]

>>6 pores*

Forgot to mention that honey also exfoliates (if you leave it on too long, it'll dry the skin out and kill the top layer; you may have some peeling if you don't moisturize well after). I don't recommend using it that way, though.

PSA: Never use honey on your lips for any prolonged period of time lol. The top layer will literally just peel off when you go to remove it. (/when bambi's beauty experiments go wrong*)

*some dumb asshole vegan beauty vlogger did a video about how "honey is a natural moisturizer" and I was like "huh, that'd save me some money, why not try?" I should've looked it up first (or at least read the comments) before testing it xD

8 Name: W : 2017-04-30 21:49 ID:IKvOdNsO [Del]

I recommend buying at Lush store , its a vegetarian skin care store and they have amazing products!(Also the smell inside is fantastic!) Just ask the clerks there to what they would recommend for you to use and there ya go! Their products are very natural and environmental free, also no alcohol mixed with any of their products so its very safe for any age to use

9 Name: RoseCandy : 2017-05-01 14:53 ID:aEYTg05E [Del]

>>8 I've heard of Lush but the closest one is a million miles away.. But thank you everyone! I read about a few treatments that I've never heard of before but I'll certainly try them. (And a very special thanks to BarabiSama )

10 Name: NN : 2017-05-02 15:08 ID:1q7VYJcS [Del]

You should also look at CVS ( or Longs if you live in Hawaii). They have an entire section just for face products. Some acutally work really well, you just have to find which ones work for you and which ones don't. Things don't have to be a special brand just to work well. I have a lot of acne too, so it really helps just to try a lot of things and then settle on a few that worked or you liked.

11 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2017-05-02 18:56 ID:bxYotjby [Del]

Make sure to wear "breathable-fabrics", where the oil and sweat that comes to the surface of your skin doesn't just stay clogging your pores in one spot.

A natural remedy to try can be all natural organic honey, not processed. Just dab some on all the places you've got acne.

You can also try crushed black pepper corn. Don't use pepper shakers lol. Mix the crushed pepper with a tiny bit of water to be able to apply it to the acne.

There's a lot you can do, but I think >>3 would be a lot for you to consume anyway XD

12 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-05-02 20:40 ID:LxMHK6xK [Del]

As far as natural remedies go, I've heard great things about sulfur. It supposedly both exfoliates the dead skin away and breaks down deep bacteria without damaging the skin long-term.

I haven't used it myself, though, so you'd have to do some research and see what's the best way to apply it / what safety precautions to take. It probably still needs some kind of aftercare (like a good moisturizer or anti-irritant cream).

I wouldn't recommend using any sulfur soaps or anything mixed with other chemicals or fragrances, etc. Combining something gentle with other irritants kind of defeats the purpose.

Usually bought in bulk as a natural powder (used to make salves and scrubs) or as a foaming cleanser.