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Numb (3)

1 Name: Emotionless : 2017-04-27 10:58 ID:AWWUxxkC [Del]

I feel absolutely nothing anymore. I'm never happy, but I'm also never sad nor angry...I'm just...numb, to all feelings. Because of this I lost every last one of my friends. My family doesn't talk to me anymore. Nobody wants to be around a robot like me.

When I say I can't feel, I really mean that all feelings are just...gone. I don't care if I die today, nor do I care if I die thirty years from now. Everything's "meh" to me. I was riding my bike and was almost hit by a car. The car swerved away just in time, but it was a close call. And I wasn't even scared. After the car passed I thought to myself, "Huh. Well that happened. I wonder...what if that car had hit me?" The thought didn't scare me one bit.

I don't know what to do with myself. I want help but I don't really care to ask for it. So I'm bringing it up on a site like this. Help me, or don't, I don't care.

2 Name: Akina Lee : 2017-04-27 12:02 ID:giZ48+1g [Del]

You care at least enough to share your thoughts and listen to other opinions. It's not a bad start either but you saying this is a way to reach out for help. I believe you should listen to music and relax. Try to get into a feel of that. Music brings out emotions best. Try to write a story if you must to connect with characters other than yourself. It can work it may not for you but it doesn't hurt to do something. Even drawing can express something just try what you believe could possibly work.

3 Name: Miharu : 2017-04-28 04:37 ID:lptjIhVH [Del]

>>1 Saying you don't feel anything is a very extreme thing. Is there really no one that means anything to you? Is there anyone who you care about? Do you have any kinds of dreams or goals, something that is your purpose?
In a way, having nothing like this, is the only way to be completely free. You're not tied down by other people, or stuck following a route to fulfill your purpose. It's the purest form of freedom, but at the cost of becoming nothing.

I don't know if someone like that can truly exist, because I feel like there probably is something that you desire, or that you're looking for, even if it's just the answer to some questions. If one truly didn't care, they wouldn't have taken the time to make a post like you did.

I'm not sure what you were hoping for or expecting from you post, maybe you just did it on a whim, but it does make me curious of the story behind the person that is you.

I'm one who feels very little, and have an approach to things that comes from the idea of relativity. If you never feel anything, it's so much more significant when you find something that you can make you feel. If you can't get close to anyone, it means so much more to you when you find that one person who you can truly care about.
For some people, it's the only way to live life. It's the only way that makes sense to them. Maybe you're one of them.