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not sure what to do (3)

1 Name: Eziopandas915 : 2017-04-26 16:34 ID:s+9foYYR [Del]

It started when i started getting certain feelings for a friend in school a few weeks ago. We've always been close but recently I went to rest on him in class and he just went with the flow and rested his head on mine. I've never questioned my sexuality before so it kind of sprung up on me when I started daydreaming about him.

2 Name: Ginja : 2017-04-26 17:37 ID:3vSLztMW [Del]

Sorry if I'm being presumptious, but I'm going to guess you're of the early-mid teen age group?

Well, it wasn't too long ago that I was in a fairly similar spot myself, so the least I could do is tell you what helped me manage a little better.

First of all, try and set aside some time to relax and look inward. It's important to take stock of yourself every once in a while, especially when you've got a lot going on in your head. Sometimes some extra stimuli can help with this, such as a song that you feel particularly strongly about, a quiet spot somewhere outdoors that you might know, or even a particular view you're fond of.

Secondly, try not to let school work pile up on you. You seem like you have plenty to worry about as-is. No need to add deadlines to the list. Try and get stuff done the day you get it, or at least ASAP.

Thirdly, don't be afraid to turn down your friends if they want to go do something but you just don't feel up to it. Sometimes you just want to be alone, right? They should understand, they are your friends after all. Just don't forget that talking to/interacting with others is important.

Fourthly, this is something I personally didn't have sadly, but if you can think of anyone at all you'd feel comfortable confiding in, ask them if they'd be willing to talk with you about it, or even just listen.

Finally, although it may be somewhat cliché, remember to always be true to yourself, regardless of wether or not people will accept you (Anyone who doesn't probably ain't worth your time anyway, if you ask me). Sometimes you might feel that it's easier to just bottle yourself up and pretend those feelings don't exist, and in the short-term, you might be right, but if you don't accept you, who else will?

So, I guess that's it. I wish you all the luck in the world with yourself, and I really mean that.

Oh, and sorry about any typos I might have missed. Scrolling througu text on my phone is kind of a pain D:

3 Name: Eziopandas915 : 2017-04-26 18:01 ID:s+9foYYR [Del]

Thanks, I haven't had anyone to talk to about it so it's nice to hear some friendly advice. : )